You're All I Ask For

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Yuna's POV

"You're the best boyfriend I could ask for" I smiled.

"Correction! The best husband" Yoongi oppa said and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Will you marry me?" Yoongi oppa asked as he hold my hand.

"I know this isn't the best timing and you are going through a hard time but I just wanted to say it. I'll promise you that I can be the best husband" He said and I nodded.

"Yes! I'll marry you" I said happily.

"Really?!" He yelled happily as he hugged me.

"I'll propose to you better when the time comes" He said and I shook my head.

"You don't have to" I said.

"I want to" He pouted.

"Ok" I laughed at his cuteness.

He smiled and he opened the kimbap that he bought.

"It's all cold now" He complained.

"But it taste good" I said and he nodded smiling.

We ate kimbap happily and soon we were full. Yoongi oppa threw the trash away as the door opened and BTS, Jiyeon, and Aerim came in.

"Are you ok?!" Aerim and Jiyeon yelled as soon as they saw me.

"I was ok until I hurt my ears" I said.

"Why?!" Jiyeon asked.

"Because you guys are screaming" I laughed and everyone bursted laughing.

"We were worried" Aerim pouted and Jiyeon nodded sadly.

"I know, I was just kidding", I laughed, "I'm ok, just a bullet in my arm" I said and their eyes widened.

"You were shot?!" They all yelled and Yoongi oppa and I covered our ears.

"Excuse me?! Can you quiet down a little?!" The nurse yelled angrily at us.

"Sorry.." They apologized.

The nurse left and they surrounded my bed.

"Explain to us what happened" Jin oppa said.

"I thought you guys came after hearing the story" I said confused.

"No! We just came here to check up on you" Jiyeon said.

"Oh.." I said understanding.

"Now explain" Hoseok said and I nodded.

It's a long story but I'll shorten it" I said and they nodded.

"Basically, Chahyuk hacked into Yoongi oppa's phone and made me come to the rooftop. When I went, he pointed the gun towards me and when we were arguing, he shot me in the arm. Then, Yoongi oppa came and quickly took the gun away from Chahyuk and the police took him away" I said.

"And he is arrested again" Yoongi oppa added.

"That crazy bastard!" Jin oppa yelled as he rolled up his fist.

"How dare he shoot my noona!" Jungkook yelled.

"This is unexceptable!" Namjoon yelled.

"It's ok guys" I muttered.

"It's not ok Yuna! He almost killed you!" Aerim said angrily.

"He's arrested now" I said.

"He escaped once! He could escape again! You don't know what he's capable of noona!" Jimin yelled.

I Need You | Suga/ Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now