Meeting The Min Family

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Yuna's POV

"Aneonghaseyo ummonim, abunim" I bowed.

"Welcome sweetie, come in!" Mrs.Min said.

"Thank you" I said as I went inside with Yoongi oppa.

They sat down on the couch and we sat down across from them.

"I always wanted to meet you! Yoongi talks a lot about you" Mrs.Min smiled and Yoongi oppa blushed.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for visiting you guys so late" I said.

"No, it's ok! We understand" Mr.Min said.

"Did you eat lunch?" Mrs.Min asked.

"No Mrs.Min" I said.

"Oh dear, just call me ummonim" she chuckled.

"Ok ummonim" I smiled.

"Why don't we eat first?" She asked.

"Oh, before we eat, I bought these for you guys" I said handing them the gifts.

"Oh thank you sweetie! You're so nice" She smiled as she opened the present.

"A scarf! Thank you, it's beautiful" Mrs.Min smiled.

Mr.Min opened up his present and smiled.

"Thank you, it's a nice necktie" He smiled.

"No problem, I'm glad that you guys like my gifts" I smiled.

"This is for Yoongi oppa's hyung, it's a perfume! I hope he likes it" I said handing Mrs.Min the gift.

"Thank you! He'll absolutely love it!" She smiled.

"Now let's eat!" She smiled as she got up.

"I'll help you" I said as I went inside the kitchen with her.

"No, you're our guest today! Have a seat, I'll do it" she said.

"But I want to help" I smiled.

"Then, can you put the rice in the bowls?" She asked and I nodded.

"Sure!" I said.

I grabbed the bowls and put rice in them. After I put rice in 4 bowls, I put them on the table. I put spoon and chopstick next to all the rice and went back to the kitchen.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"I could do it from now sweetie, you may sit down" Mrs.Min smiled.

"Ok ummonim, tell me if you need anything" I said and she nodded smiling.

I sat down next to Yoongi oppa and soon, ummonim sat down next to abunim and across from me.

"Jalmakgaksupnida!" I smiled as I digged in.

Her foods are really delicious! I ate so fast that I finished the bowl.

"Can I get more rice?" I asked shyly.

"Sure" she smiled as she stood up to get more rice.

She came back and gave me the bowl.

"Eat slowly sweetie or you might choke on your food" she laughed.

"Ok" I chuckled.

We happily ate our lunch and we decided to have tea time. After we cleaned up the table, ummonim brought us teas.

"So do you have a job?" Ummonim asked.

"Yes, I'm a CEO at a company" I said.

"Wow, must be busy" abunim said.

"Yep" I smiled.

"Is it ok if we ask some questions? I want to know more about you" Ummonim said.

"Of course!" I said.

"So what does your parents do?" She asked.

"They are currently working oversea. They own a company over there, they used to be the CEO of the company I'm in now but they decided to give it to me after I was done with my studies" I said.

"Oh, that's cool, do you have any siblings?" She asked.

"No, I'm an only child but I always wanted a sister" I smiled.

"Me too! I'm have an older brother but I always wanted an older sister. I don't knlw, maybe because you could always do everything together" she said and I nodded agreeing with her.

"Yeah, like go shopping and painting nails together!" I said and she nodded.

We started chatting about this topic for a while.

"Ahem, umma I thought you were asking her questions not chatting with her about older sisters" Yoongi oppa said.

"That was what I was going to say son" abunim said.

"Sorry.." We said together.

"So, tell me about you and Yoongi! When did first meet him?" She asked.

"Well, I first met him in my senior year of high school! I fell in love at first sight" I smiled shyly.

"Aww" Ummonim and abunim smiled.

"You guys dated since then?" She asked.

"Well, yes but we broke up couple weeks after and got back together after 2 month" I said and their eyes widened.

"Why did you guys break up?" She asked.

"Well, he broke up with me. He said he used me because I was rich" I said when ummonim smacked Yoongi oppa's back.

"Ouch! umma that hurts!" Yoongi oppa yelled.

"That was so rude! How there you say that to her!" She yelled.

"She didn't finish her sentence, listen till the end!" He said annoyed.

"Fine! You may continue sweetie" Ummonim said.

"Well... I never knew the real reason why he broke up with me and I found out recently.. that he did it for me" I said.

"What do you mean?" Ummonim asked.

"You know, those parents that want what's the best for their child?" I said and they nodded.

"Well that was my parents. They wanted what's the best for me and they did it in a wrong way" I said.

"Did they tell him to break up with you like those in Korean dramas?!" She said and I nodded.

"Well it wasn't that bad umma, he just told me to break up with her or he will put her in an arranged marriage and I did what he told me because I loved her and I didn't want her to suffer because of me" Yoongi oppa said.

"Aww we raised the kid well" abunim said and ummonim nodded.

"Then how did you guys get back together?" She asked.

"Because she risked her life to save me" Yoongi oppa said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, when I was part of the gang, I was in a fight and missed school one day. Yuna and her friend found us and helped us secretly when she saw a guy pointing the gun at me. She ran up to me and I never knew the reason why until she hugged me. As soon as she hugged me, the gun shot went off and she was shot in the back. The doctor said she might be in coma but luckily she woke up the next day. And I knew that she was the one for me and asked her out again that day" Yoongi oppa said.

"Is this Korean drama? I'm getting into this" Ummonim said and I laughed.

"Just kidding, we'll not really but wow.. I just want to say that you met the right girl Yoongi" she said and I blushed.

"I agree" abunim smiled.

"I know" He smiled and I smiled with him.

"But why did it take you guys so long to get married?" She asked.

"Because a lot of hardships came.." Yoongi oppa said.


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