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Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi hyung?" I heard a voice call me.

I turned around to see 6 boys looking at me with wide eyes, "Me?" I asked pointing at myself.

"YOONGI HYUNG!" All of them yelled and ran up to me.

They hugged me without saying anything and I didn't know what to do, "Um... do you guys know me?" I asked and they all parted away from me.

"What's your name?" A boy with dimples asked me.

"Min Yoongi" I said.

"Where are you from?" A short boy asked me.

"Daegu" I said and they smiled.

"Yoongiah, we thought we were mistaken for a while" a boy who looks like the oldest out of the 6 laughed.

"Do you guys know me?" I asked once more and their faces turned serious.

"Stop joking around with us" another boy who looks like the youngest out of them.

"I'm sorry but I'm not joking with you guys. I lost my memories several months ago so I don't remember anyone" I said and their eyes widened.

"Oh no" the boy said.

"Can I know your names?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm Namjoon " the one with dimples said.

"I'm Seokjin, the oldest"

"I'm Jimin"

"I'm Hoseok"

"I'm Taehyung"

"I'm Jungkook, the youngest"

"And we are BTS!" They yelled in unison.

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Min Yoongi" I said.

"We know" Hoseok said.

"How?" I asked.

"Because you were, no are the leader of BTS and one of us" Namjoon said.

"Really? Oh you guys were the 6 boys who were with me in an abandoned train?" I asked and they nodded.

"Can I ask you guys what happened?" I asked and they nodded.

"Let's go somewhere to sit down" Jimin said and we all went to the cafe.

We sat down and they started talking.

"Ok, first you are second oldest in our group, I'm the oldest. Also, you are the leader of the gang group called BTS" Jin hyung said.

"I was part of the gang? And I was the leader?!" I asked shocked about my past. They nodded and continued, "we were under boss Bang and we were the most powerful group. We had a mission to kill our rival's boss and boss Bang promised us that he'll grant us a wish after we accomplished the mission. We did and we went to boss Bang and told him the wish" Namjoon said.

"What was the wish?" I asked.

"The wish was to let us go. We didn't want to be part of the gang anymore and this was your idea. You were worried that Yuna might get hurt and you wanted all of us to live a normal life" Jin hyung said.

"And what happened?" I asked.

"Boss Bang betrayed us. After we left his office we decided to go to our secret hideout which was the abandoned train. When we opened the train's door, other groups that were under Boss Bang attacked us. We tried to fight back but they had about 100 people. We were beaten pretty badly and you were hit on the head. You lost conscious and we were soon sent to the hospital. The people who beat us were arrested. For some reason, we were all separated and we united recently, but we couldn't reach you" Jin hyung said.

"Wow, but who's Yuna?" I asked.

"Your girlfriend, hyung" Jungkook said.

"Ohhh" I said.

"Anyway we are so happy to meet you hyung!" Jimin smiled and others nodded.

"Me too" I smiled.

"What were you doing here, hyung" Taehyung asked.

"Oh, my phone that I used before I lost my memories broke so I wanted to fix it. And since it took couple of hours, I decided to walk around and I met you guys" I said and they nodded.

"Will it be ready by now?" Hoseok asked and I nodded.

"Why don't we pick it up and have a mini party?" Jin hyung asked and others cheered.

"Sure why not. Honestly, I still don't remember you guys but for some reason, I feel comfortable with you guys" I said honestly.

They smiled like they understand what I mean, "Let's go" Namjoon said and we all got up.

We went to the electricity store and I asked the worker if it was all fixed and he said yes. I picked my phone and thanked the worker and left with BTS.

"Why did you fix your phone now?" Jin hyung asked.

"Because a girl recognized me today but I didn't know who she was. So I thought if I fix my phone, I could find more information about her" I said and they nodded.

"How did the girl react when she saw you hyung?" Namjoon asked seriously.

"She started crying after I asked her who she was" I said nervously.

"No way.." Jimin muttered.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking" Jin hyung asked them and they nodded seriously.

"Why?" I asked once more.

"I think you met Yuna" Jin hyung said and I went blank.

"My girlfriend?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Turn your phone on" Jin hyung said and I did what he told me.

When it was on, I saw a girl holding a minion smiling as the wallpaper. As I looked closer, it was the girl I met at the cafe today.

"Is it her?" Jimin asked and I nodded.

"Shit..." I muttered.

"Why?" Taehyung asked.

"She saw me with my ex-girlfriend" I said and their eyes widened.

"You have a girlfriend hyung?!" Jungkook and I nodded.

"Well, ex-girlfriend, we broke up today" I said and they nodded.

"Wow, it must've been painful to Yuna" Namjoon said.

"Yeah, think about it. Your boyfriend left you one year ago, no calls, no texts, don't even know if he's live or dead. But suddenly you see your boyfriend with another girl acting lovey dovey after one year of losing contact" Jin hyung said and everyone sighed.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Maybe you should talk with her hyung" Jungkook said everyone agreed with him.

"I better go now" I said and they nodded.

We exchanged numbers and we all separated. I called her through the number she gave me today.


"Hi, do you remember me? I'm Yoongi"

"Oh.. hi"

"Can we meet today?"

"Sure where should we meet?"

"At XX cafe in 10 minutes"

"Sure, I'll see you then"

"Ok bye"

After I ended the call with her, I walked to the cafe. I arrived and sat down. Since I was early, I was checking my old phone. I was going through the phone when when I noticed that there were multiple texts I never read. I checked it and it was all from Yuna. As I scroll through the texts, I couldn't help my eyes getting watery. I feel like a trash after reading the texts, I'm such a bad boyfriend...

"Yoongi oppa..." I heard a girl call me. I looked up to see...


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