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Yuna's POV

I jumped in surprise as I let out a small scream. I grabbed onto his hand tighter and closed my eyes.

"Because it's windy, the plane will be bumpy. We'll be landing safely so you don't need to worry. Please keep your seat belt fasten, thank you" the captain said through the speaker.

Yoongi oppa rubbed my back and I felt better. The plane landed safely and we got off the plane. We found our luggage and stood outside to grab a taxi.

"I can't understand anything" He pouted and I laughed.

"It's ok, I'll translate it for you. I lived in California for few years so I'm fluent in English" I smiled.

"Ok" he grinned.

We got inside a taxi and he drove to our hotel. We thanked him and paid the price. We went inside and checked in.

"Thank you" I said after the worker gave our keys.

"No problem, the men will bring your luggage to your room shortly" she smiled.

We went inside the elevator and pressed 7th floor. I was walking when Yoongi oppa stopped me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I always wanted to do this" He said as he picked me up bridal style.

"Oppa! What are you doing?! Put me down!" I yelled.

"No! I saw this in every drama and I wanted to try" He said.

"Weirdo" I laughed.

We went to our room and I opened the door for him. He closed the door with his foot and threw me on the bed.

"Oppa! You scared me!" I said.

"I'm sorry baby" he said as he crawled up to me.

He came up close to me and started kissing me. I kissed him back and soon we were having a make out section. Yoongi oppa was about to lift my shirt when someone knocked the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"I'm here for your luggage" the man said.

He sighed and got off of me. I laughed as I went to the door opening it. The man came in and placed our luggage inside.

"Thank you" I smiled as he finished.

"No problem" he said as he left our room.

"Let's get back to what we were doing'" Yoongi oppa said.

"Later, I'm hungry" I laughed.

"Fine" he pouted.

We left the house to get some food.

"Where should we go?" Yoongi oppa asked.

"Maybe something near our hotel" I said.

"Ok, let's look it up" He said and took his phone out.

We went online and searched a popular restaurant near us. We found one that's 5 minutes away. We decided to walk since it was close by. We walked hand in hand while looking at the sunset. We arrived shortly and sat down.

"Hello, my name is Kelly and I'll be your server today. Any drinks to start off?" She asked.

"Ice water's fine for both of us" I smiled.

"I'll come back with your waters. Here's your menu" she said and left after giving us the menu.

"What do you want oppa?" I asked.

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