Amusement Park

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Yuna's POV

After Yoongi oppa left, Aerim, Jiyeon, and I decided to go to the mall. We bought clothes, accessories, and talked like there's no tomorrow. We stopped at the coffee shop and talked about life and caught up with the things we didn't know. It felt so good to be friends with Aerim, it feels complete now! After spending 5-6 hours with them, we went to our homes.

After I got home, I called Yoongi oppa to make sure everything was ok but he didn't answer. He soon texted me, 'sorry I can't pick up your call right now.. I want to have my brother moments with BTS. I'll call you back when I can'

I just replied saying, 'ok talk to you later' and put my phone on the desk.

I don't know why but something feels weird like something bad is going to happen. I shrugged the feelings and ate my dinner. After eating, I went up and scrolled through my SNS and slept after.

-The next day-

I woke up and checked my phone to see Yoongi oppa texted me, 'Hey Yuna^^I want to make it up for yesterday.. Would you give me the honor to take you out on a date today;)'.

I laughed at his text, 'sure I'll give you the honor;)'.

Surprisingly he texted back right away, 'hurry up, I'm already in front of your house'.

I bolted up and ran to the window to see Yoongi oppa waving at me. I quickly looked away and started to get ready as fast as I can. I told my maids to get the outfit ready for a date and I took a quick shower. After taking the shower, I wore the outfit and put on some makeup. I checked in the mirror one last time and ran downstairs. I wore my converse and opened the front door. I ran down the stairs and hugged Yoongi oppa, "I missed you" I smiled.

"We met yesterday" He chuckled.

"Still" I laughed.

"Let's go" He smiled and I nodded. We got in his car and we drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"You'll see" He smiled and I pouted. After 10-15 minutes of driving we arrived at the destination.

"Amusement park?!" I yelled happily.

"Yep" He smiled.

I quickly got off the car and jumped excitedly, "Are you that happy?" He chuckled.

"Yes! I don't remember the last time I came here" I smiled.

"Let's go" He said and I nodded excitedly.

"2 tickets please" Yoongi oppa said to the worker.

He gave us the tickets and we went in.

"Wow" I muttered at the sight.

"Which one should we go on?" He asked and I started to look around.

"That one!" I said pointing at the biggest roller coaster.

"Ok let's go" He said and we walked to the line.

We waited for our turn and after 10 minutes, it was finally our turn. We sat down next to each other and the safety bar came down. The workers checked to see if it was secured in the right place and the roller coaster started. As it started to go up oppa and I hold hands and screamed our lungs out when the roller coaster went down. After if finished, we got off laughing.

"That was so fun!" I smiled.

"Let's go play that!" He said and pointed at the game.

I nodded and we went to the game section. Yoongi oppa gave the worker 2 dollars and the worker gave him 20 balls, "We have to knock 5 to get the small prize, 10 to get the medium prize, and 15 to get the big prize" the worker said and oppa nodded.

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