Max: Hey, Blue Tongue!
Tara: ?
Max: What do you call a skeleton that practices black magic?
Tara: A Sans-Witch!! *BA DUM TSS*
*Max and Tara burst into laughter*
Chris (Chasriel son): *rage intensifies* OMYGOD WHY
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Tara: *taps Papyrus' shoulder*
Papyrus: ?
Tara: What is the difference between a teacher and a railroad engineer?
Papyrus: WHAT?
Tara: One trains the mind while the other minds the train!
(This one needs voice acting XD)
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Random bully: *trips Tara in the cafeteria*
Tara: !! *falls over and face lands in soup*
Tara: *gets up* *left eye is purple* *Waters of Megalovania (remix) intensifies*
Bully: oh fuck
Tara: *picks the bully up by the shirt cuff* Do you wanna die today you punk?!
Bully: No..?
Tara: *turns his soul purple* *throws him across the cafeteria*
Bully: *lands face first in the garbage can*
Tara: GETTTTTTTTT DUNKED ONNNNNNNNN *picks up food* *sits down on table like it never happened*
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Max: *on TV* Hello everyone! We have a special guest today, and he is here! Everyone, meet Chris Dreemurr!!
*Chris comes out from behind a curtain*
Chris: *rolls eyes* *walks beside Max*
Max: So tell us Chris, what is your goal in life?
Chris: To get out of this stupid show for kids with no lives.
Max: *holds up gun* May you please repeat what you said?
Chris: I mean...*looks around* *has no idea what his life goal is* I have no idea.
Max: So, what is it like being the son of a serial killer and a crazy flower goat?
*background laughter*
Chris: It's okay. Atleast no-one dares mess with you. On the downside, my dad is a freakin' flower.
*background laughter*
Chris: WILL YOU STOP LAUGHING YOU- *turns to that moment when black goop leaks out of Chara's eyes and that horrifying moment when Asriel does that scary thing with the rainbows*