Got tagged by my good friend @Jane_The_Gangster
1. You have to post all the rules.
2. You have to post 13 facts about yourself.
3. You have to tag 13 people (I think)
And I forgot the rest.
So 13 facts about me:
1. I stay up late at night looking at internet bullshit on my phone whenever I can't sleep
2. I go downstairs and eat cheese at midnight whenever I can't sleep or if I had a nightmare
3. I always have a hard time getting sleep especially during summer
4. I take the ice bath challenge EVERYDAY because the water at home is so damn cold
5. I like Twilight
6. We actually have a chainsaw in our house
7. I love watching Undertale crack videos and shitposts
8. I can animate but not that good
9. My laugh has no sound when I laugh too hard
10. Markiplier got me into FNaF
11. Sans fanart got me into Undertale
12. PewDiePie got me into horror
13. My ears are weird
I tag:
Yep. That's it.