Chp. A.

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I walked on stage to perform blue jeans. It has been a long journey from where I used to be.

I used to drink, smoke and party a lot. I decided that wasn't the life for me and started to really pursue singing. Its been really hard trying to find my place in the world but I finally found it now I just need someone to share it with.

'Blue jeans, white shirt walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn.' I started to sing. I looked across the crowd and saw a beautiful girl with a bright red lana del Rey shirt on. She had on some black shorts and red toms. She was amazing. I knew I had to get her somehow.

'I will love you till the end of time! I would wait a million years promise you'll remember that you're mine. Baby can you see through the tears. Love you more than those bitches before. Say you'll remember, Say you'll remember. Baby bluee!! I will love you till the end of time!' I sang making sure I was looking directly at her.

I saw her blush but continue watching me. I finished the song and pulled her on stage.

"Who me?" She called out.

"Yea you babe come here." I gestured for her to come up on stage. She came up smiling.

"Alrighty guys I will sing summer time sadness but to this wonderful girl.."

"Cameron" she said in the microphone. I sang to her looking in her eyes the whole time. She watched me intently and blushed whenever I'd get close.

"Okay you guys thanks for coming love you all" I blew kisses to the fans.

Cameron started to leave.

"Wait!" I said pulling her arm. She turned and around and fell in my arms.

"Already falling for me huh?"

She blushed a little. She does that a lot. " Nope." She laughed.

I held her hand and walked her to my dressing room.

We hung and out and talked for a while . She is a really nice person. I also told her all my struggles. She understood and comforted me. She was one of the first to treat me like this. I felt like I had someone.

"TIME TO GO LANA!" My manager yelled.

"Aww it was fun." She smiled trying to hide that she was really sad inside.

"I know. But I have a question for ya?"

"Sure ask away."

"If you could would you come on tour with me? I cant leave a girl like you behind." I asked her.

She smiled and jumped in my arms.

"OHH LANA THANK YOU!!" She screamed. We let go and she looked me in my eye.

She leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked at first but quickly kissed back. I felt sparks everywhere. I hope she did too.

"Wow your great." She pulled away smiling.

I grabbed her hand and we went on the bus.

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