Chp. H

994 28 4

Cameron P.O.V

I woke up early today as I always do. Lana was sleeping in front of me with her arms around me waist. I moved her arms and went to the bathroom to pee. After that she was still asleep and I wasn't going back to sleep so I just made breakfast.

I made us pancakes eggs and bacon. I ate my food and waited at the table for her to wake up. I was watching YouTube videos.

" Oh, you made me breakfast?" she asked coming down the stairs. I nodded and smiled at her. Before she came down I grabbed her plate and put it down in front of her.

"Here ya go. I made do with what you had." I said.

She smiled and dug in. "Mhmm this is great! Much better than my cooking." she said.

"Well ya know I try." I said flipping my hair back. She laughed and continued eating.

"Ohh, and today I have to go to the studio and start recording for the last song and stuff." she told me once she was done.

"Okay can't wait to hear it"

"Alright. We have been working on it for a while and this is the last track on the album so next time you can come to hear it." she told me getting up to wash her dish.

"Okay. I already know this album will be great." I gushed to her. I really did like her music. She laughed.

"Still a fan are we?"

I walked by her and poked her nose. "Always will be."

I ran upstairs and tried to go to our room but she caught up and hugged me from behind.

"Ahh thought you were going somewhere!" she yelled. I laughed and tried to get her off of me.

"Arghh!" I yelled struggling. We both ended up falling on the floor. We laughed and just sat there. She grabbed my face and kissed me. After a minute of our tongues battling, I finally let her win. She explored my mouth and just before things were about to get anymore heated she pulled away.

"Almost forgot I gotta go!" she said getting up and going into the room. I got up and laughed watching her struggle to get her jeans on quick. She glared at me but continued finally getting her pants on.

She came out and kissed my lips really quick. "Okay I've gotta go now. Stay safe babe!" she yelled closing the door. I waved at her through the window and locked the door.

I had nothing better to do so I just sat in the living room and watched movies. I watched the movies MAMA and Sinister. They are my favorite scary movies.

Lana texted me on the part of the movie where they realized they needed to move back.

'Miss ya babe! hope your safe :)'

I smile at how much she cared about me.

'Ya I'm safe and how is that song coming along?'

'Pretty good, all I have to record now is the third verse and it will be done.' she texted back.

'Okay well have fun hun' I texted her.

'Haha that rhymed and okay you too :*'

After that I stopped texting and continued watching the movie. I was about to get up and put the other movie in when I heard glass break.

I walked up the steps to see what it was. It couldn't be Lana because I'm pretty sure she wouldn't purposely break her own window. I thought maybe it was some little kids outside playing. It was a little dark out but not too dark.

I crept towards the door and walked in. The window was completely broken. But before I could think any further I looked down and saw Barrie crawling towards me.

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