Chp. F

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"We will find somebody." The doctor said before leaving the room.

I just sat there starring at the wall. I mean I've pretty much lost everything anyways so it's not much to live for.


"HEYY you! I was walking here!!" I screamed to a guy that bumped into me.

"Ohh shit! Why would I care?" He said sarcastically at first.

"You dick!" I yelled throwing punches at him until he was bleeding.

"I dare you to do it again." I said to him as he walked away.

I went home and turned on the news.

'3 people brutally murdered. By some sort of killer sending a message. All of there heads were cut off and left arms. He wrote on the wall with blood 'I dare you to do it again'. Wow I wonder what that means.' the news reporter said.

*End of flashback*

It was all my fault they died. I beat him up because he bumped into me and he killed my family.

After that I never thought straight. I always felt I needed to watch my back just in case he came back. He died a year ago. They found him and arrested him and he died in jail.

I cried myself to sleep every night also. Knowing my family would never see my children, go to my wedding or even talk to me again. Really got to me.

That was until I found Lana's music. Although her songs didn't really relate to me they seemed to fill the hole that has been open this whole time.

I know that before I die I have to tell Lana I still love her. Even though I'm mad as hell at her it's just how I feel.

I picked up my phone and clicked her number.

She instantly picked up.

"OHH CAMERON!! IM SOO GLAD YOU CALLED I AM SOOO SORRY.!! HE'S MOVED OUT NOW JUST COME.." I pulled the phone away a little because she was yelling.

"We'll I would but I can exactly do that right now. I just want you to know that I still love you and always will okay. Actually you should come and see me."

"What do ya mean see you? where are you" she asked.

I took a deep breath knowing what was going to come next. "I'm in the hospital."

"WHATT!! Why did you tell me sooner?"

" I didn't think you would come." I stated.

"Of course I would. hold on let me get my purse and I'll be right there."

"Okay bye." I said and hung up.

It only took her about 5 nineties to get here. She must have been speeding.

She rushed in. "Are you okay is there anything I can do?"

I laughed "You being here is enough." She smiled and came over to hug me. "So what's wrong?" she asked me.

"Well I sadly only have one kidney and that one has shutdown. I have no family that could replace so I'm destined for death." I said really casual.

"Nope your not! Ill give you mine." she said and walked out the door.

She came back with the doctor about 20 minutes later.

"Well lookey here. This young lady want to give you her kidney. You both are the same blood type so it will work. We just need your approval." He said looking somewhat pleases somebody offered.

"Okay that's fine." I said.

"Alright. That means surgery for you both tomorrow." He said.

"Yayy! I told you that you would live!" Lana yelled hugging me. I hugged back.

"No thank you for everything. Your kidney , the house and much much more." I whispered.

She just hugged me tighter. She pulled away and kissed me on my cheek. "I'm going to go home and get us some clothes for tomorrow. I'll definitely be back okay!" she said

"Okay" I said and watched her walk out. Shortly after I went to sleep.

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