Chp. C

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We finally arrived at our destination. I still didn't forget what she said last night. I mean it was only a couple of hours ago.

We both got up and made some breakfast. She ate cereal while I just ate toast. I loved how it seemed like she could just let loose around me. Thats what I really wanted. Not someone who thought they had to always be fake around me because I'm sort of famous.

I was quickly done with my toast. After it I sat and watched Cameron.

"What, did I get milk on my nose?" she asked wiping her nose. I laughed.

"No hun your just cute." I told her.

She grinned. "Yea, yea, You need glasses."

"No, I don't your really beautiful. One day I'll show you." I said massaging her hand.

She smiled and finished her cereal.

"Oh junk we have to get ready I have a show and then an interview." I reminded her.

"Yea, I almost forgot. I'll get ready." she said putting her dish in the sink.

I wore a blue flower dress with red lips. Cameron wore a light pink dress that was similar to mine.

We both got in the car and drove to my event.


This is just a filler chapter. Another one coming this week.

Ohh and comment if you want this to just be a cute story or you want to add drama.

~ brianna

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