Chp. E

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Cameron's P.O.V

They all dropped me off to get my things from my house. Only the essentials though we would move the rest later.

Lana didn't really have to do any of this for me and I am very grateful.

I ran up the steps to my apartment and unlocked the door. I skipped around packing my clothes.

'Mhmm... Maybe I should take her our for dinner tonight! Then I'll give her the bracelet I bought only for someone special.' I thought out loud.

It doesn't seem likes a bad idea. I mean it's probably the least I can do for her right now.

She gave me the directions and told me to come right over. So after I packed everything I locked my door and hailed a cab.

"HEY!" I yelled out. The first one passed me by but the second one didn't.

Yay! Finally getting to live with Lana. The tour bus life was alright but here we can really be alone as spend more time together. I was a fan but I don't know everything about her.

I told him the address and he quickly pulled up. I actually forgot it was that close. Oh well I'm here now.

I remember she told me the door was open so I could just go in and drop my stuff.

I walked in the door and saw her and Barrie kissing. I was mortified. I thought she liked me though.

'Apparently not anymore. She probably realized you really ugly!'

My inner voice said to me. I shook it off but still stood there.

"Who's this? Is she one of the homeless people you found on tour" Barrie said laughing. He was still holding her. She pushed him away in an attempt to come to me.

"Oh it's fine I'll go home. I understand I meant nothing to you. Have a nice life Lana." I said and quickly grabbed my bags and ran out.

I really didn't want anything like this to happen.

"Come back! I was trying to get him out!" She yelled after me.

"That's not what it looked like!" I yelled back.

I hailed another cab quick and got in before she got to me.

She was knocking on the glass crying. I had to show her I was strong so I just shook my head.

"I might come back. I really don't know. Just give me some time." I said. I guess she heard me because she mouthed okay.

I told him my address and went back home. It was already really late.

I threw all my stuff down and ran to my bed. I covered my face with my pillow and cried my self to sleep.

The Next Morning.

I woke up with a huge pain in my stomach.

"Aghhh!" I yelped in pain.

"BITCH KEEP IT DOWN!!" A guy under me yelled. He usually yells a lot so it didn't really bother me today.

I immediately called the hospital knowing it wasn't my period. They just told me to come in and they would see.

5 hours later I finally got there.

"Hello, I woke up and there was a pain in my stomach." I told the lady at the desk. "Ohh, dr. Pap is going to take you."

She lead me to him. The room was right down the hall.

"Okayy! So your having pains and you don't know why? Just get changed into these for me." he said I nodded and he went away.

I came back and he did a screening test. It only took about 15 to 20 minutes for him to come back in.

"M'am.. as you know you only have one kidney." he said holding one finger. I nodded.

"Well the last one you have has failed. Do you have blood relatives that could give you theirs?" he asked.

"No I don't have any family they all died." I said crying. He came up and patted my back.

"We will find somebody."

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