Chp. R

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I walked out of my room going to meet my boyfriend in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Do you have a sister?" I asked him.

He dropped the spoon and turned around to look at me. Confusion and anger on his face. His features softened, " Yea, I do." He said.

I nodded. "Well go and beat up the bastard that got her." I said patting his shoulder.

He nodded " Thank you, you go and get your girl! I know you still love her."he said smiling.

I hugged him and he walked out the house. I called Cam.

"Hello?" she answered, more questioning who I was.

"Hi" I said shyly into the phone.

"What's up?" she sighed.

"I just wanted to talk to you, maybe at your house?" I asked, worrying she would say no.

"Um.. Yea, sure. Come around when your ready." She said

"Alrighty, I'll be there in a minute." I said and hung up.

I grabbed my purse and went over her house in my pajamas. I walked over there seeing as how it wasn't that far away.

I knocked on the door, and she answered with her hair in a bun. Even on a lazy she always looked beautiful. I honestly would give anything to have her back.

"Hey come in" she said moving behind the door. She closed when we got in and locked the door.

"Soo, what'd ya want to talk about?" She asked me sitting across from me.

"Us, I broke up with him so I could be with you. I know you thought that I was happy with him and I was. But not as happy as I was with you and everybody could see it. I really do love you with all my heart. My life will never be complete if I can't have you back. I would end my career for you. If they don't allow me to be with you I will quit. I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore" I said starting to get up.

"All that stuff I said wasn't true, infant it was the opposite there was no one else I wanted to sleep with me during the cold nights or sing to." I said looking at the ground walking towards the door.

I was walking with my head down so I didn't see that she jumped in front of me.

She hugged me, and of course I hugged back. "I've missed you so much." she whispered against my neck. I buried my head in her neck.

Sniffing her beautiful scent, the one that I missed a lot. I dropped my hands around her waist and squeezed her tighter.

"I love you." I told her breaking the hug.

"Love you too baby." she said leaning forward to kiss me. I watched her walk back up the steps. I followed her and sat on her bed.

She took off her shirt and I noticed her arms.

"Cam, what happened?" I asked getting up to go over and look at her.

"Nothing. I'm fine." She said quickly moving to a side where I could see her arms.

"Please let me see?" I begged.

"Ugh, fine " she said moving closer to me.

"Why?" I asked, crying.

"Well when we broke up and you got that new boyfriend I felt like I was never good enough. Especially since I have no friends, it seemed to help alot." she explained.

"You were never nothing. I love you, promise me you'll never do it again." I said still holding her arm.

"Promise." she said smiling. I kissed her cheek and got up to her closet. I wiped my nose with my sleeve. Dirty I know, and I picked out a shirt for her to wear.

"Alrighttyy, now come to my place so we can watch movies!" I said.

"Okayy just let me get my phone." She reached over to her dresser and got her phone.


Arghh, I know this chapter sucks.

Forgive me I just wanted to update really quick to show y'all where Cam and Lana stand as far as relationship status .

ALSOO I need a ship name for them!! Soo comment the one you think is awesome and if I like them it might

affect how I end this book!!


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