Chp. J

907 27 4

Lana's P.O.V

I decided to take her to me favorite place to eat. It was the least I can do her today. She practically was almost killed by barrie. I swear I've never hated one man so much in my life.

I was driving us there. She wore a velvet dress and some black flats. She looked absolutely beautiful.

She was looking out the window at the people walking down the road.

"What are they walking for?" she asked.

"I don't know maybe some show is happening tonight." I guessed.

She just nodded and went back to the window. Shortly after we arrived at the restaurant.

It was really big just like I remembered. There was a chandelier in the middle and it was barley lit with lights on the tables and candles. I loved eating here.

"Ohh you took me somewhere fancy! You should have told me I would have done my hair better!" she said pouting and crossing her arms.

"Girl you look beautiful just come on." I said and grabbed her hand taking her in here. She held on and laced her fingers in between mine. I smiled at how cute she was and asked for a table.

"Reservation for Grant." I spoke to the lady. She looked up.

"Table for two right?" I nodded my head and she led us to a table upstairs by a window.

"Wow this is really nice. Is the food good here?" Cameron asked.

"Hell yea it's good I eat here all the time. I thought I would bring you hear to take your mind of things." I told her.

She laughed. "You didn't have to do this. When you came back to the house I was already better." she said.

I just giggled and looked out the window. By now it was dark out side. The stars were shining and it made the sky look absolutely beautiful.

"I need a picture of this." I told her and walked over to the people at the table next to us.

"Hey could you take a picture for us I asked a middle aged looking woman.

"Okay sure!" she said and walked over.

Cameron stood up by the table on the window and I stood beside her. The first pic was my arm around her waist and we were smiling. The second was Cameron hugging me from the side and kissing me cheek.

I thanked the lady then I posted both of them on Instagram and made the second one my wallpaper.

We both sat back down and ate our food.

"This was soo good!! I'm full now!" she said leaning back in her chair. I laughed and did the same thing.

"I told you the food here is good."

We left out of the place and were about to walk to my car.

"Waitt! I gotta tell you something." I told her.

"Your really beautiful to me and I wanted for you to be mine ever since I saw you at my concert. I know you probably think it's too early but I love you and everything about you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her looking in her eyes.

She smiled and kissed me.

"Yeaa of course!" she yelled and hugged me again.

She took a picture on her phone of us kissing and set it as her background. I drove us back home and we watched movies until we both fell asleep.


Kinda a filler chapter sorry it's so sort but I'll update soon. Maybe not this weekend seeing as how Saturday is my birthday

Soooo , vote , comment and add to your libraries.

Also a sex scene should be coming up. Should I skip past it or write it!!

Let me know!!!

~Briaa .

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