Chp. P

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Lana's P.O.V

I stood there silent. I couldn't believe she felt this way. I mean I know I honored her, it was only because I wanted better for her.

I sighed and went back to the party. I drunk a whole bunch of shots, soon enough I was drunk.

My boyfriend was nowhere to be found so I walked out on the street. Being drunk I thought it would be a good idea to go to Cameron's house.

I knocked on the door and she answered.

"What do you want?" she asked me.

"I want you! My fucking boyfriend is gone!" I said.

"Oh and I'm supposed to care." she said leaning on the side of the door.

"You know what, you've been nothing but a little bitch this whole time! I only fucking took you in because I thought you were cute and the fact that you were broke!! Nobody will ever love you, you slut!! I can't believe I wasted my time on you!!" I yelled at her.

I saw tears forming in her eyes. She looked down then looked back up at me.

"Well sorry for being a burden" she said closing the door. I stuck my foot in.

"Wait, I'm sorry I said that. That was uncalled for-"

"So you meant it? " She said

"Noo, it's just that I'm drunk."

"Maybe it was good the truth came out Lana. If this was how you were feeling I would have left already." she said looking at the ground.

I stood there just looking at her. I didn't notice but she looked different. It looked like she hasn't been eating.

"Wait, what's that on your arms?" I asked her looking over at her arms. She quickly put them behind her.

"It's nothing, but like you would care anyways 'I'm such a slut' eh?" she said slamming the door.

I walked back down her driveway and called my boyfriend.

"Hey can you pick me up?" I asked him.

It's true I was happy with him, but not as much as when I was with Cameron. I feel like such an idiot even though I was drunk that still doesn't make up for what I said.

I loved her. I still do. But she will never love me. I hated myself for that day. The day I fucked it all up. I was hurt, angry and drunk that day. It still doesn't make up for what I said to her. She thought I was her world and to mine she was also. But now I don't think she takes pride in saying that anymore.

I cried as I watched his car pull up.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked kissing my cheek.

I shook my head and leaned against the window.

I hope that Cameron can forgive me I love her wayy to much to lose her forever. I just hope that she doesn't do something she regrets.

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