Chp. G

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I woke up felt Lana behind me. I couldn't really move anyways but if I could I still wouldn't have.

We stayed like that for awhile until the doctor came in and woke her up.

"Ahh ladies wake up! It's almost time. That means you both need to be getting ready." he said waltzing in.

I laughed seeing as how I was already awake and ready. Lana had to wash up and put on the same gown I had on.

"Alrighty all ready!" she yelled coming out of the bathroom. They called her in the room for her surgery first. Instead she came to my room.

"I love you!" she hugged me right and kissed me.

I hugged back. "I love you too babe." Then she went back in the room. I sat there on my phone reading her tweets from the yesterday.

They have usually been stuff like

'Fucked up!'

'He's gone now.'

'I hope I still mean something to her.'

'Hurts a lot when the person you love the most ignores you.'

I decided to tweet her back.

'@Lanadelrey Yea girl you will always mean something to me :)'

Of course she couldn't see it now but it will be there when she can.

After that got boring I started to go to sleep. Two hours passed and they came to take me into surgery.

(A/N I don't really know who long surgeries last so excuse that hehe. 😅)

Lana's P.O.V

Everything turned out fine after my surgery. We were the same blood type so her body should accept my kidney.

I waited for about 6 hours just sleeping and watching movies all day. Until the doctor came into my room.

"The surgery went well. Her body took your kidney and she should be able to function regularly in about 2 to 3 hours." I got up and hugged him. he laughed.

"I'm guessing your happy? No need to thank me though." he said and walked out.

I fell back down on the bed and waited again for another couple of hours. They said she was able to go but she would need someone for support. I thought it should be me.

I helped get her dressed and we left the hospital. "So I guess now you have no other option but to live with me." I said and she laughed.

"Yea, and plus it's the least I could do you for helping me so much."

I smiled. We got to my house and I helped her get to the living room. I have her the remote and told her to make herself comfortable.

She wanted me to go get her stuff from her house so that's what I'm doing. she barely had a lot so I just put everything in my trunk and drove back to my house.

I went back home and found her asleep on the couch so I just unpacked her stuff and put it with mine.

I woke her up and we both got into bed.

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