Chp. B.

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We sat on the tour bus bored watching movies. Were were leaving atlanta going to maryland. I had a show up there somewhere. It takes about 10 hours to get there so me and Cameron will have time to catch up.

"Omg this movie is terrible!" She laughed turning away from the screen to face me.

I scooted closer to her. "Alright what do you wanna do?" I asked her.

"Hmmm.." She hummed resting her chin on her knuckles.

"I GOT IT!" She yelled.

I giggled " What is it?"

"Why don't we play truth or dare?"

"Alrighty fine with me."

"Alright you start. Truth or dare?" She said with an evil smirk.


She thought for a minute. " I dare you to mix hot sauce, milk, and red bull and drink it."

"Ewww! Thats gross. But.. I'll do it cuz im not afraid." I stood up.

I mixed everything together while she watched me intently.

I smiled to myself. I loved the attention I was getting from her.

"All done." I announced and drank it. It wasn't that bad so I only drank two sips. She fake barfed and laughed. We went back.

"Okay your turn truth or dare?"

"Truth" she said.

"Alright. Is there somebody you 'fancy' on this bus?" I asked her hoping it would be me.

She looked at me and came close to whisper in my ear. "Yea I do, but dont tell her she is too beautiful" then kissed my cheek. I blushed a little bit . She moved back and smiled at me.

We played for a couple more hours. It was about 11 when we stopped.

"Maybe we should get to bed wouldn't wanna be tired for that show now would we?" She said standing up. I grabbed her hand , stood up and dusted my self off.

"Yea." I answered.

We said night and started heading to our bunks.

I went back and grabbed her arm jerking her back.

"Yea.." I cut her off by kissing her roughly. I felt her smile and kiss me back. It was magical. I swear sparks were everywhere.

I pulled away. " I just really wanted you to sleep with me." I told her. She blushed and giggled.

"Wait, wait I mean like.. Not like that.. I meant like ya know..." She cut me off.

"I know what you mean." She held my hand and we went to my room.

She fell in the bed and I slipped in bedside her. My head was on her chest and her arms were around me. One was stroking my hair sending me to sleep.

I heard her mumble. " I really like her." And then I fell asleep.

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