Chp. T (The end!)

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"She was the most beautiful, upbeat and amazing person ever. Words can't describe how she impacted my life. When I first meet her I knew that life for me was going to change for the better." I said crying.

I was at her funeral and I couldn't take it. She was absolutely to nice of a person to die.

They found him, a few days later. The piece of shit left his finger prints everywhere. They claimed that he was mentally unstable but I honestly could care less. He took away the most and only important thing in my life.


I drove back to her house and went through all of her stuff.

I found a journal that said to Lana. On the cover it was a blade taped to it. It was obviously the one she had been using this whole time.

I let a tear slide down my cheek. I tucked it into my purse and looked around more.

I saw she had a lot of pictures of us up around the house. That made me cry alittle more. The fact that I broke her heart made me want to kill myself. I know she forgave me but I just can't forgive myself.

I always wondered if I would ever be able to make her happy again. I guess I'll never find out thanks to the dirty bastard.

Argh, I had so many things planned that we could have done. I wanted to marry her and we could adopt a baby and raise a family together.

I just wish that I could have her back, I would literally give up anything just to have her back in my arms.

I collected my self and walked over to her dresser.

'Hey Lana, Your probably not going to read this but I had to write to you. You have made me the happiest person alive. Just thinking about you puts a smile on my face. Sometimes I wonder how you found a dud like me in a crowd of more than 500 people but you did. To be honest I'm glad, from the first day we met to now, I felt like I could trust you. Nobody else in my life filled that spot. But not only that you were fucking gorgeous!! Your beautiful, talented, and much much more! I love you forever babes!

Love Cam <3.'

I sat down on her bed rereading the note. I was smiling knowing that I did make her happy, but crying because I know I can't have her back.


"WAKE THE FUCK UP LANA!!!" I heard somebody yelled shaking me.

"You have a show in less that five minutes!! " he yelled.

"Okay, okay I'll be ready." I said throwing my hands up.

I was told I was singing blue jeans on for a crowd of over 500 people. I think that I was only singing one song unless of course they wanted more.

I just put on red lipstick brushed my hair and wore blue jeans and a white shirt.

The venue was outside and it was warm so I thought that was the perfect choice.

I walked on the stage and took my position. The music started and I looked into the crowd.

Standing there with a red Lana Del Rey shirt on was Cameron.

My Cameron.


The End!!!!

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