Chp. K

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Lana's P.O.V

We had to wake up early today if we wanted to hear the record I made. Of course I already know what it sounds like but Cameron doesn't.

Plus I promised her that I would let her come to listen to it.

"Wake up gurll! We gotta goo!" I said shaking her.

"Alrightt." she said slowly getting up. She's obviously not a morning person.

We got to the studio and I asked my producer if she could listen to some songs.

He said yes so we played her Born to Die and This is what makes us girls. She sat in the big chair next to me while I was standing up.

I was watching everybody's faces. They all we wearing smiles as was I. I think it's one of my favorite songs seeing as it describes my life perfectly right now.

I looked down to watch what was Cameron was doing. She was watching the floor and bobbing her head to the music.

"I really love that song!!!" She turned around to look at me.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Born to die!!" she yelled.

I laughed. " I wrote it for you." I admitted to her.

"How could you create such genius from me!?" She asked standing up.

I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her close not caring that people were still in the room.

"Your the reason for all my genius babe, always will be." I smiled before kissing her.

"Aawwwwwe!" all the people in the studio screamed.

We both laughed. I studied her skittle more than usual.

Her eyebrows knit together, and she barley opens her eyes and she covers her mouth. She looked absolutely beautiful. You know in the movies where your watching them and everything goes in slow motion? That's how this felt.

I guess I my staring caught her eye. She looked over at me and started blushing. I giggled and we played the rest of the album.


Just a filler chapter. Soo sorry I haven't updated in a while. So I decided to post a short chapter.

Inbox me if you have any ideas for this story!

Okayy I think that's it..

~ Bria

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