Chp. O

641 23 1

Cameron's P.O.V

It's been about 5 months since me and Lana have stopped seeing each other. I would constantly check up on her on twitter.

I guess she got a little lonely because she has a boyfriend now. After the first month she just stopped calling and texting. It still pains me to look through all of these, but she looks happy so I should be too.

I wipe away a couple of tears and close my laptop.

"Maybe this was meant to happen she seems happier than she ever was with me." I told myself standing up.

I went across the hall and made myself lunch. Yes I am back in my old apartment. Where I constantly hear old fuck above me. Im saving up to move out of this dump.

I made a friend named Matt. I don't like him obviously but he is pretty cute. We've been talking a lot and he lets me vent to him about Lana.

I went in the bathroom, and looked in the bathroom. I studied my face, I looked completely different. A very bad different. I quickly looked down and my arms looking at the scars that have covered them. To say the least it has been rough for me.

I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I ran in my room thinking it was Lana, but it was Matt.

"Heyy" I said

"Heyy wanna come to a party tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, you picking me up?" I asked.

"Yea at 7 sharp so be ready. I'll give you time to get dressed bye." he said hanging up. I did the same and dropped my phone on my bed.

I took a shower and picked out a black dress that stopped just above my knees. I wore a leather jacket with it to cover my arms.

I wore my hair in a bun and my make was just winged eyeliner.

I heard Matt outside. I grabbed my purse and locked all the doors. Then he drove us there.

When we got there it was really awkward because it was just a party with his friends.

"Soo here's Cam you guys!" he introduced me. I waved at everyone. They all smiled back.

I stayed in the kitchen because I had nowhere else to be. "Why are you all alone sweetheart?" A big guy asked me.

I watched him intensely, he was junk. Nothing good was going to come out of this.

"Come on with me." he said dragging me by my hand to a room.

"Noo!" I yelled pulling back but failing miserably. He laughed and hit my on my head knocking me out.

I woke up in a room with my jacket off and my hair was completely messed up. "fuck" I cussed. I couldn't remember anything that happened.

I grabbed my purse. Great! My money is gone. I only had a 20 but that's still something. I walked out a limping alittle. Thinking nothing of it I just kept walking until I saw Matt.

A lot of other people where here now. I looked over to the left of the room and saw her.


She immediately saw me and stared at me. I broke the eye contact and went for Matt.

"Yo, I'm leaving." I said.

"Aww why so early. But okay I understand if you need anything call me?" He said. I nodded and walked out.

It wasn't far from my house I discovered so I just walked. I hear heels from behind me. It was also dark so I kept walking.

"Wait Cameron!" I heard Lana call out.

I most definitely was not going to wait for her. She didn't wait for me.

I tried to run down the street but fell on the ground, forgetting I had on heels. "Just listen to me, I know you probably hate me but I only am dating him because-"

"Yea, yea Management I know." I said getting up as walking off.

She grabbed my hand. I shook her off. "No, you can't just come back here thinking everything is going to be the same! It never will be! You ignored me for fucksake!! I thought that we were going to wait for each other but you look wayy happier with him than me so you can go back with him and disregard me and my existence." I yelled crying. She just stared at me as I walked off.

I know that wasnt right but I wanted her to feel what I felt everyday. There was no better time to do it.

Great way to end my day huh?

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