Chp. Q

598 25 4

Lana's P.O.V

I woke up and got out of bed. I felt terrible as usual. I felt like I wanted to die for the things I did to Cameron.

I sighed and made my way I the bathroom. My boyfriend said that he was taking me out tonight.

Of course he made me happy, which was a good deal because I didn't want to be with some bum who didn't know how to have fun.

I took a shower and put on the a red dress similar to the one I wore with Cameron. I hugged it alittle and put it on.

I guess we were just going out to eat or something seeing as how it was still early. I wanted to talk with Cameron today and see if he calmed down so I could at least she if she could forgive me.

I sat down at the table playing on my phone until I heard him arrive.

I went out of he house making use to lock all of my doors. "Okayy where are we going?" I said climbing into the car.

"Somewhere." He said and smiled. I laughed.

"Your crazy!"

I cut on the radio and we listened to a lot of owl city. Metropolis came on and we sang to each other.

"I left my heart in Metropolis" I sang instantly thinking about Cameron. I sighed and looked out the window.

After hours of driving we arrived at a graveyard.

"I took you to see my sister, her name was Lily." he said looking down. I embraced him and let him cry and rant to me.

"That dirty bastard I will find him one day,and I will kill him!!" he yelled backing away.

"No don't do that you could go to jail, and I don't want that." I said walking closer.

"No, no we're fake. This is fake. I will find somebody else go be with the girl of your dreams!" he said standing straight up.

"Why the sudden change?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"We don't have that much time to live, you might as well make it worth living eh?" he said before tossing the keys be running off.

I looked at the keys in my hand me decided to drive over to Cameron's house.

It took forever so I was speeding alittle. A cop decided to stop me.

"Soo , your doing above the speed limit lets make this quick, and I'll give you a ticket." He said handing me a yellow slip.

I nodded and continued speeding down the street. I finally reached we house. I knocked on the door.

Nobody answered to I twisted the handle finding out it was unlocked. I crept in.

"Cameron?" I called out.

"Cameron are you here? I came to make things right!" I yelled throught her house.

I checked the kitchen, bathroom, and the living room but she wasn't there.

I went into her room and saw the most heartbreaking thing I could ever see.

I dropped my phone and covered my mouth. This can't be happening. Cameron was sitting in a pool of her own blood. She has scars all over her body and she had a big gash on her stomach. I kneeled down and cried.

"Why?" I cried holding her head in my hands.


"Lana wake up!" someone yelled shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Matt siting beside me.

"Oh sorry I just had a nightmare I'll be fine." I said waving my hand.

"You sure?" he asked. I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

That dream must have meant something. I can't just ignore it. I'm going to make things right with Cameron. If I can't make it to her on time I don't know what I would do.

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