Chp. D

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I did the interview and soon we would be back on the road to my home. I want Cameron to live with me but I don't want her to leave where her family.

It was about 2 in the morning and I'm still up thinking. So I crawled put of bed trying not to wake her and went to fix some tea.

I grabbed a tea bag from the cupboard and a mug to put it all in.

Me and my mom used to make tea all the time so I'm kind of an expert.

After it was done I quickly put everything up and sat on the couch. Mind you the bus is small so all of this was done without much movement.

'Just tell her how you feel. If she doesn't accept it then maybe its not meant to be but the sooner you find out the less time you waste!' A woman yelled on the tv.

"Maybe I should just ask her. The worst she could do is say no. I mean she could already live down the street for all you know. " I said talking to my self.

"Yea, maybe she does" Cameron said from beside startling me.

"Gurll, you almost killed my tea!" I told her laughing. "Anyways so tell me what you were talking about before hun." she encouraged sitting down.

"Okay. So I.....umm kind of.... of wanted you to move in with me?" i asked very nervous.

She jumped up. "Hell yea! Not only will I be out of my shithole apartment but I'll be able to spend more time with you." I smiled.

"Where do you live then?" I asked so we could stop by before going to my place.

"New York, A little run down apartment on Hammer street." She explained.

"YOU LIVE LIKE A STREET DOWN FROM ME!!!" I yelled catching her off guard and apparently the bus driver too because the bus swerved a little.

"Keep it down Lana!" They yelled up from the front. "Sorry!" I whispered back. He gave a thumbs up from the mirror.

I hugged her and talking about our houses for a little bit.

We were already close to new york. So when we got there all she has to pack up. We quickly arrived to her to her house to her house. I walked her out kissed her and reminded her to call me when she was done. I had a feeling in my gut that something was going to go wrong. But I brushed it away and went got on the bus.

We got to my house and they dropped me off and went to take the bus back. I carried my stuff back inside.

"Hayy babyy I missed you!" said barrie running up and kissing me. I completely forgot about him. He told he was on tour.

I pushed away from him. His kisses weren't better than Cameron's. Nothing or no one could top of hers.

I know I need to get Barrie out of the house before she comes.

"Don't you have your tour?" I asked looking out the window.

"Nope, I took off so I can be with you." He said turning me around lightly. Planting kisses all over my face until he got to my mouth. I decided to kiss back for a minute.

When I about to pull back and tell him to leave Cameron walked in.

"Who's this? One of your homeless people you found on tour?" He asked chuckling a little. He was till holding me. I pushed him away and tried to go to her.

"No, its fine I'll go home I understand I meant nothing to you. Hope you have a nice life Lana." She said picking her stuff back up.

"Wait! Come back! I was trying to get him out!" I yelled out the door trying to get her attention.

"Thats not what it looked like! I'm just going to go home now!" she yelled back putting her bags in her car. I was running up to her but she closed the door before I made it.

I started to get teary eyed."Please don't leave. I promise he will be gone just come back!" I yelled hitting the glass.

She just shook her head. "I might come back, I really don't know. Just give me some time" she said sighing.

"Okay" I mouthed and walked back to my house. I fell to the floor and started to cry.


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