Chp. S

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I brought Cam over and I put in a movie. It was Nightmare before Christmas, I knew she adored that movie.

"Ohhh I know what this is!!" She yelled. I guess she finally noticed what I put on.

I smiled and snuggled more into her warmth. I honestly can't believe that she took me back. I'm glad that she did though, life wouldn't be as enjoyable as with her.

I decided to post that me and Cam were back together on twitter, it was of me kissing her cheek.

'Me and @Cammy__ are back together!!' I tweeted along with the picture.

We finished watching the movie then we went to bed.

When I woke up Cam was still asleep. I decided that I would go and talk to my management about me and Lana getting back together.

I drove listening to Marina and the diamonds. I adored all of her music.

As I got up to the front part of the building I cut my music down then parked my car.

"Okayy, so as you know we really didn't approve you with Cameron. We've changed our minds, being with her will definitely get you more female fans." They said. I jumped up and ran out of there.

I was going to be with Cameron regardless but the fact that I still can keep my career is just marvelous.

I sang happily down the road. I couldn't wait to tell Cam the good news. I walked in and she was up eating breakfast.

"Heyy, I just came from my meeting and they said that I could still keep my career." I told her.

"YAYYY!! she shouted. "Im glad that you can keep making music!!" she said jumping up to hug me.

"I know, and I can keep doing the thing I love." I said winking at her. She laughed and sat back down.

"I'm gonna take you out tonight. I want you to meet a friend of mine." Cam yelled from upstairs.

"Okayy" I answered, well not really it was more a statement. It was already six so I decided to get ready. Yes, I know why was she eating cereal? It's her favorite food.

I put on a black dress and brushed my hair down as usual. I did my winged eye liner and red lip.

Cameron was wearing a pink dress with her hair in a bun and pink gloss on. I watched her get ready.

"Beautiful." I said hugging her from behind.

"Oh shut upp. Your much more beautiful" she said turning around to kiss my cheek.

"Nope" I protested making her give up.

She drove us the the party, it was huge. Her friend sure knows what their doing. She grabbed my hand and we walked in. We spent a lot of time on the dance floor just fooling around. Then she took me to meet Matt.

"Heyy Cameron, how've you been?" he asked hugging her.

"Great I have Lana here to meet you." She said smiling.

"Well heyy, sorry I look terrible but I'm Matt." He said shaking my hand.

"I'm Lana." I said smiling back at him.

"Well you two enjoy yourselfs snacks are everywhere, but be careful." he said waking to the back.

We both laughed. "How he managed to stay calm I will never know." Cameron said.

"He's actually a really big fan of you, didn't believe when I first told him we dated." I laughed.

"I bet he does now." she smiled and nodded.

We spent another three hours at the party until we decided to go home.

"Whew, I'm beat" I said walking into our home.

"Yeaa I just need some food and sleep, and of course you." Cam said walking to the kitchen.

"I've ordered us some food, I'm about to go pick up. Love youu." I told her kissing her lips.

"Alright love you too." she said turning on the tv.

I grabbed the keys and went to the sandwich shop. The line was way to long so I had to stand there for about 20 minutes.

When they finally got to me one of the sandwiches was missing so that took another 10.

I sat and played on my phone to pass the time. I texted cameron, oddly enough she didn't reply. Probably watching Maury or something.

I threw the food in the back and drove home. I walked in and found the tv on.

"Cam?" I yelled throughout the house. No answer. I walked to my room and saw blood everywhere. Cameron was hanging on the wall dead. Her throat was slit and they stabbed her.

"Nooooooooooo!!!!" This can't be happening. I fell down and cried. The day I finally get her back I lose her.

I look over on my bed and find a note. Taking all the will, still left within me I got up to open it.

'I dare you to do it again'

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