Chp. N

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We sat down and a place that was basically like subway. I ordered just a regular sandwich with turkey on it but Cameron ordered a buffalo chicken sandwich.

They have us our sandwiches and we sat down and ate. I don't know how she could be so beautiful eating a sandwich but she was.

Cameron's P.O.V

I was eating my food and I looked up and saw Lana watching me. I blushed just discovering I'm a pig.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked doing a swirl motion in front of my face.

She shook her head and giggled.

"Then what is it??" I said smiling hoping I didn't look like an idiot.

"Well your just so beautiful, I definitely wouldn't mind being that sandwich." she said.

"Aww your soo schweet!" I said reaching over the table to kiss her.

She smiled fell back in her seat.

I honestly don't know how she noticed me. I couldn't think of were I would be without her. Probably dead I imagine.

I used to self harm think of all that stuff a long time ago. People used to just use me and I never understood why.

All the other girls had boyfriends and I had nobody. I thought that I was soo ugly that nobody would ever want me. I still think that of myself sometimes. It's kind of hard to think like that when I have Lana around though.

She makes me feel special like I actually belong somewhere. I haven't felt that in a while. I don't really like to think about the bad stuff instead I focus on the good things that have happened.

I paid for us and we walked out holding hands. It's pretty busy over here so I was expecting but not hoping for paps.

We walked down the street to the car and drove home.

"Wheewwww, I need a shower!" Lana called out as she threw the keys on the counter.

"Fuck yes! You stank!!" I said running away from her. She caught up to me and tackled me on the couch.

She straddled me and yelled "VICTORYY!" I laughed and watched her smile at me. She leaned down and kissed me. I rested my arms around her waist and continued to kiss her back.

She stopped and leaned back up. "Meet me in the shower." She whispered running upstairs. I laughed and followed her.

She undresses quick. When I got in there she was already naked in the shower.

I took off everything and got in with her. "Nice of you to finally join me." she said laughing .

"Gurll it takes time." I said. She laughed.

She immediately started making out with me pushing my back against the wall. Still kissing me she moved one of her hands to my boobs and gently massaged them. I moaned to her satisfaction and kissed her harder.

She didn't hesitate to stick her finger inside me.

"Fuck!!" I yelled out. She smiled watching me unfold and she kept going faster and faster. No later I was done and she turned off the shower. I got out first so she slapped my ass.

"Hey!" I said turning around. She giggled and walked into the room to change.

I had under in here already so I just slip those on and went into the room.

Lana was of course still naked but standing there on the phone.

"Okay" she said slowly and hung up.

"Get dress my management wants to see us." she said picking out some red underwear. I nodded and put on a dress and some flats.

We drove there listening to music and talking. "Okay so they want us here I think?" she said going into a room.

We we're meet with people in suits standing there.

"Hi Lana, Hi Cameron." they greeted us. We sat down and waited for them to say something.

"Okay so we've seen your interview for Ellen, we think at this point in your career it wouldn't be best for you to have a girlfriend." They said. I sat silently losing breath. This can't be happening.

"Why can't I this is my life I choose who's in it!" Lana yelled standing up. I but my lip holding back tears.

"We think that it would be best if you either got a boyfriend or stayed single for your sex appeal. It would only last for about a year. Until you get really popular" they lady said.

Lana was about to yell out a lot of profanities before I stopped her. I pulled her outside.

"Hey, hey I know this is tough to understand but I want your career to continue. You can't just end everything you worked hard for just for me. As much as I want to stay with you, believe me I do I cant and I wont. It's only for a year though." I said wiping her tears she nodded and hugged me.

I will stay single and I WILL come back to you!! I promise you that." she said crying. I nodded and hugged her again.

I walked out and down the street.

"What am I going to do for a month without her." I whispered to myself burying my head in my hands.

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