Chp. L

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We got out of the studio at around 9 at night. We didn't listen to the album the whole time but we played around the rest of the time basically a party for my new album.

Cameron started to look tired so I took decided to take her home. I drove back holding her hand the whole time.

We got back to the house we walked in. Not a minute later Cameron jumped on me, bombarding me with rough list filled kisses. I kissed back obviously and carried her up the stairs.

We were still roughly making out through all of this. Her legs wrapped around my torso. I fumbled with the door trying to get it open. I finally did and threw her on the bed.

She leaned up with her elbows while I took off my shirt leaving me in my red lace bra. She smiled and grabbed me. We kissed again and she slowly took off her shirt teasing me. I started to kiss her neck probably leaving marks. She moaned when I kissed under her chin so I did a couple more times before going to her face and kissing her again.

We both slipped off our pants and threw them on the sides of the bed. She rolled of top of me taking off me bra. "Wow, your boobs are nice." She said cupping them. I giggled. She leaned down and kissed from my neck to my boobs. She slowly started to suck on my left nipple and went down my belly.

She quickly moved to my clit and starting eating me out. I arched my back at her moving so fast already. She kept on going watching me slowly about to reach my high before inserting her fingers inside me making me finally
reach my high. She pulled out her fingers and licked them clean kind of surprising me. I was about to flip over her and do the same but she stopped me.

"No, I wanted to do this to show you how much I love you and especially all that you've done for me." She said smiling.

"Great way to show it eh?" I said and winked falling back on the bed. She fell down beside me.

"I will make this up to you!" I told her.
She smiled " Of course you are! But promise me one thing?" she said turning to look at me. I watched her eyes discovering she looked skittle sad or heartbroken.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Just don't leave me." she said looking up at the ceiling. "Basically my whole family is gone. I have nothing left."

I frowned at her words. she hardly has anymore family I figured when she had to get another kidney. I thought that maybe they would be there but they all died.

"Of course I will be here! There is nothing you can do that would make me leave you, except if you fart in my face!" I told her grabbing her hand. She smiled and got up. I watched her get up and try to put her butt in my face.

"Uh uhhh you are not about to fart on me!!!!!!" I yelled pushing her out of my face. She laughed and kept on trying to fart on me. After about seven miserable tries she finally gave up and laid beside me.

I felt her watching me for a minute and decided to face her. We stared at each other for a while until she spoke.

"Gurl maybe we need to go to bed, don't you have an interview?"

"Ohh shit I forgot!! Okay let's sleep your coming with me." I said. She nodded and scooted closer to me. We fell asleep in each other's warmth and the sound of light rain outside.

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