Chapter 30

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Sorry for the wait, I'm Horrible at writing, and I have no idea what to write. I keep getting writers block every two chapters, so if you have any ideas, tell me cause I need help with this story.

Dani's p.o.v:

The next morning, I woke up in Calum's arms. We were still on the couch from the night before. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I started making breakfast for everyone while they're still asleep. While I was standing at the stove, I felt two strong arms go around my waist.

"Morning" I said, turning around still in his arms.

"Morning" He said in his sexy morning voice. He rest his forehead against mine and intertwine our fingers. He smiled looking down at hand, then confused, and grabbed it. "Wh-where's the ring?" He looked so sad.

I reach under the shirt and pulled out the necklace I was wearing. "I was afraid I was going to lose it, so I put on here. So I knew it would be safe. Are you mad?"

He shook his head, leaned down, and kissed me. "No, I'm not. I don't care where you wear it, as long as it somewhere on your body, I'll be happy"

"I love you, Calum"

"I love you, Dani" Calum was about to lean in again.

"Yes, we all love each other. Now Dan, why are you burning our breakfast" Luke said, coming into the kitchen. I turn around and saw the bacon was burnt. Oops. "I guess, I'm making my own breakfast"

"Sorry, oh hey, did you talk to that girl yet?" I asked him.

"I just woke up, what do you think?"

"You didn't" Luke nodded.

"Soooo, Luke's got girlfriend now" Calum said, taking the seat next to him.

"No" Luke said with his mouth full and he walked out of the room, taking his food with him.

"Well that happened" I giggled.

"Yeah" Calum said back. I walked over the cabinet, grabbed some bowls and cereal since I burnt we were going to eat.

"Sooooo" I started saying, since it was quiet now.

"Sooooo" Calum repeated.

"When are we going to tell our parents?" I asked, I looked over at him.

"We could today, if you want?" He said.

"I call them and tell them to come over for lunch" I said. Calum came over to me, kissed my lips, and smiled.

"You're so beautiful" He whispered.

*Few Hours Later*

I invited my parents and Calum's dad/my step dad over for lunch. We were all sitting in the living room catching up. Calum's dad was happy that Cal got his memory back, we all were. My dad had Emma in his lap and Calum's had Luke in his.

"So why did you really tell to come here today?" My mom asked us.

"What? We can't have the family come and hang out" I said. Then, she gave me this face, she knows I'm lying.

"Oh god, please don't tell me you're pregnant again" She suddenly said.

"Mom! No, I'm not" I said.

"Well...." Calum started.

"Shut up" I pushed him lightly.

"What aren't you two tell us?" Calum's dad asked. Calum looked at me as if saying 'can we tell them now' and I nodded.

"Alright, it true we're having other baby" This time I slapped him upside the head. "Okay, fine. WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!"

"What?!" They all said. I hugged Calum's arms and buried my face in it. I couldn't help, but smile.

But before, our parents could get up and congratulate us, the doorbell went off. Everyone looked confused, so I got up to answer it. I opened to the door to find two women standing there, I have no idea who they are.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked.

"We're looking for Calum Hood. Does he live here?" One of them asked.

"Uh, yeah. Come in" I opened the door more so they could come in. "Uh, Calum?" I asked, still so confused.

I watched Calum get up and come over, then he stopped in his tracks in pure shock.



Calum's p.o.v:

"Mom, what are you doing here?" What the fûck are they doing here? Why now, right when my life is going so well. How did she even find me?

"I came to see you" She said.

"After 8 years? I don't think so" I shook my head started walking back to living room.

"I'm sorry, Calum that it took this long. Please"

"You get out of my house and away from me. I don't want you here, now get out!" I yelled.

"Calum!" Dani yelled at me. "What is wrong with you?" I walked over to her, make sure no one could hear us.

"Dani, take the kids and your parents out of here. This is between me and them. Now go" I said to her.

"Fine, whatever" She said. She took the twins and told her parents to follow her. She took them outside and I turn back to my mom and sister.

"Get out!" I said again to them.

"Calum, I know your mad, but please don't be like this" My dad said, trying to calm me down.

"I don't care, they're nothing to me" I told him, and started walking away to where everyone else was.

"Calum, wait?!" I heard my sister say.

"What?" I asked, still having my back to them.

"Who are though people?" She asked.

"The people I actually call 'Family'" I left them and walked outside.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Dani asked coming over to me. I nodded and leaned down to kiss her, not caring who watching us.

"*Gasped* Calum got a girlfriend!" I heard person I don't want talk to say. I pulled away from Dani, now pissed.

"What are you still going here?!" I yelled, I felt Dani flitch in my arms.

"I'm letting them stay and you need to get over it" My dad said.

"N-" I started saying until Dani grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Listen, I get that your angry. I would be too, if my dad did that, but I would also like to know why. Don't you want to know why they haven't spoken to you in such a long time, Cal?" Dani said to me. I sighed and she brought me over to the table and sat me down, so I was opposite them, and Dani stood behind me.

"Lets just get this over with" I said annoyed as anything.


Today's my birthday!! 😋💘

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