Chapter 13

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Dani's p.o.v:

I stayed locked in my bedroom all weekend. Calum and my mom tried getting me to come out, but I wouldn't. My best friend betrayed me, I don't think I could trust him again. It was Monday and my mom said I couldn't miss school. I can't avoid Luke in school, I practically see him everywhere I go.

"Dani?" Calum asked, coming into my room. "You want me to take you school?" I looked over at him and put my jacket on. I got over the kiss, but can't ever forget it.

"Sure, it either that or walk" I told him. He smiled and said he's leaving in 2 minutes. I grabbed the rest of my things and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Where my mom, David, and Calum were.

"Morning Sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asked. She started acting nicer than normal, when Calum and his dad moved in. I mean she always was, but was more controlling.

"You kids should go or you'll be late" David said, looking at the time.

"Bye, dad" Calum said, grabbing is backpack.

"Bye" I said quietly following him out the door. I got into the passenger seat buckled my seatbelt.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll be with you all day. You don't need to think about what he did"

"Thanks, Cal"

"And we have to make some quick stops. I need to pick up my friends" I nodded in responds and just stared out the window. We stopped in front of a medium size house, Calum beeped the horn a couple of time, and waited for his friend to come out.

Soon Ashton came out the door and into the back seat. He looked up and saw me, giving me a confused look. "Why so sad Dani?" He asked.

"Ash, don't" Calum said, driving away from the house. From the corner of my eye I saw Ashton glaring at Calum. I wonder what that's about?

Calum pulled into the parking lot and park in his usual space in front of the school. We got out of the car and Calum friends are looking at me strangely. "Hey Cal, I'm going to go inside. I'll see ya later" I said.

"Okay, come find me if you need anything" He smiled at me.

"Actually, can I sit with you at lunch? I'm afraid Luke's going to be there. I'm not ready to face him yet"

"Of course, I'd do anything for you" He kissed the top of my head and I walked into the school with the only fear of running into Luke.

Calum's p.o.v:

I watched as Dani walked away into the school. I smirked to myself knowing she's all mine.

"Can't believe you Calum" Ashton said angrily pushing me.

"Please tell me what I did"

"You're hurting a sweet innocent girl for your own personal game. What happens when she finds out what you did!" He yelled poking me in the chest.

"She won't, I can promise you that"

"What if Stephanie tells her?" He said, acting like a know-it-all.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I know he knows something I don't.

"I know you asked Stephanie to sleep with Luke. I heard she didn't. That's Luke left her to go after Dani. I wouldn't be surprised if she told her. I mean Stephanie didn't get what she wanted, she'll make sure you don't get yours" Ashton smirked, walking passed me.

That slût better not tell anyone. I marched into the school in search for her. I saw her at her locker like usual and I slammed it shut. "Oh hey Cal. How's it going?" She batted her fake eyelashes, gross.

"Cut the bullshît, why didn't you do it?!" I asked, I swear there was smoke coming out of my ear. I was so furious right now.

"Hey, I tried to get him to come back into the room. He said so many mean things to me" She started fake crying. "Then he left to go after your girl"

"I'm pretty sure all the stuff he told were true anyway" I said. "You better not tell anyone about this or else"

"Okay, whatever. After he left, I found Eric. So it doesn't matter anyway. Have fun with your shy girl, I'll be waiting when you're ready to dump her" and she walked. Like I would ever go back to her.


I waited at her locker as she got what she needed. Once she closed her locker, we walked into the cafeteria together and I guided her to my table. She sat in between me and Ashton. I looked over at her table, Luke and whatever his name is was looking at her. The rainbow boy looked confused, but Luke was mad. Prefect.

"Why is she here?" Some girl said, probably one of the guy brought her to the table.

"Cause I said she can, if you don't like it sit somewhere else" I spat, putting one of my arms around Dani. I looked across at the table again, saw Luke getting up and coming this way. I pulled Dani closer to me.

"Dani, can I talk to you?" Luke asked, when he got to the table. Dani put her head down.

"She doesn't want to talk to you" I said.

"I wasn't talking to you, Hood"

"I don't care, why don't you go back to your own table and leave us alone"

He just ignored me. "Dani, please just let me explain what happen. You know I would never hurt you" He begged.

Dani stood up and looked at him. "But you did" and she made her way out of the cafeteria.

"You just love to hurt girls, don't you Hemmings" I said to him.

"I would never hurt her, she's too fragile to be tampered with"

"But you did, have fun trying to win her back. She's mine now and the only one who's there for her" I started walking away.

"That what you think" I stopped in my tracks, I kept my back to him. "She'll never think of you any more than a brother, cause that's actually what you are....her brother. I don't know what your stupid plan was to have her, but she will came back to me"

My hand balled up into a fist, I walked out of the cafeteria, and punched a row of lockers in the process. You may have won this round, Hemmings. But in the end, I still have Dani.


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