Chapter 28 : Devil's Nest

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I am happy I'm here with my friends. Because like this, I'm able to improve my alchemy. Izumi accepted when I asked her, so she helps Edward to teach me. It's a little weird, because I still use a circle while I saw the Truth. I draw a new one and put my hands next to it. I focus and imagine.... I imagine..... Erm.... I frown and close my eyes as the transmutation fails.

-You know, before transmuting something, you have to analyze the material you have, then see perfectly what you want in your mind. Sure it's a little hard, but you'll be able to do it! Edward encourages me.

I nod and this time, I thin before putting my hands next to the circle. I grin slightly as I have an idea. It would be a little difficult but...

A blue light appears in the circle. I've learnt the composition of dirt, concrete and wood by heart. Under me is dirt so mineral material. Easy to manipulate. I close my left eye tightly and concentrate. I feel the resources under my hands move, gathering, scattering, moving to form something. I then focus more to give it the form I want and use all my creative mind to vision it through my closed eye. When I'm finished, I open my eye and whip the sweat off my forehead, contemplating the work I made. In front of me, perfectly standing, in all his majesty, a small figure of Edward doing alchemy. And grinning widely. But what, he's evil the most of the time. Izumi laughs.

-Nice work Jane! Right Ed?

-Sure master.... But why did you give me a face that... Mischievous?

-Because you often have it, I smile innocently.

He pouts, crossing his arms, then his master comes toward me.

-It's good, but you took too much time for that small thingy. But you'll improve with time.

I look down a little.

-I need it quickly... Or I'll be a burden for my friends... I say looking at Edward.

This one smiles kindly and bends to look at me in the eyes.

-You'll never be a burden to us okay?

-But I don't fight this good...

-You'll learn. Soon. Okay?

I nod and touch my right eye. I sacrificed it in exchange for more power. And I still feel as weak as a baby. Edward seems to understand and puts a hand on my shoulder.

-You mustn't worry. You will improve I'm sure of that.

I nod again. I feel so weak.


A little later, I'm running in the streets with Edward, panicked.

-Alphonse?? Where are you?? I shout searching him in Dublith.

Well, in fact I'm more looking for the Devil's nest, the bar where Greed and his chimeras hide, the place where they took Alphonse. Edward is way more panicked than me. He's running everywhere, shouting his brother's name, doing nonsense things. I decide to tell him.


-You!! Of course you know!!! Where's Al???

I smile a little.

-Devil's nest, a bar in Dubl-

He doesn't even wait for me to finish my sentence, he grabs my wrist and pulls me in the streets, running faster than ever.

-Do you even know where it's located???

-No but I'm sure we'll find it!!

I sigh and let him drag me in the town while we're searching the bar.

After a long time, we finally find it and brutally enter to deliver Alphonse from Greed. We kick few chimeras standing in front of him, and finally burst into a room. Alphonse is here, tied, as Greed is talking to him. This one comes toward us, grinning.

-Hey there~

-You're the one who kidnaped Al?? Edward asks angrily.

-Well, I wanted to know about immortality~ with this body, you're eternal right??

-You know nothing about Al's condition!! he shouts before punching Greed.

I realize, but too late...

-Be careful brother, Alphonse begins, he's-


His fist hits Greed's face hardly, but few screws get removed and his arm breaks a little. He moves it a little and grins, telling he is lucky Winry is his mechanic. The homunculus is grinning widely as the black protection on his cheek disappears. His famous "indestructible shield". I quickly draw a circle before putting my hands next to it and I create some spears to distract Greed. Meanwhile, Alphonse tries to remove the ropes, and succeeds of course. But unfortunately, even if Edward finds a way to decompose the carbon shield and the fight goes well, the army has to come and interfere. Greed runs away with few chimeras while we run to the opposite. Alphonse is still carrying Martel, the snake chimera with him, while we try to escape this labyrinth. My eyes widen when I see King Bradley right in front of us. He takes one of his swords and pierced Alphonse's armor, touching the chimera immediately. The suit of armor gasps as blood runs down the metal, right inside of him. That's a horrible moment, everyone knows it. He fells onto his knees and screams in shock and fear. Alphonse, so pure, kind and gentle, being dirt by blood... I come toward him and take one of his hand.

-Do not worry... It's fine Alphonse... I-

-You knew it would happen and yet you said nothing!! How can I trust you??

I back slightly, not even finding words to express my feelings. If they learn for Hughes too they will be... I feel tears coming in my eyes as I put my hands over my mouth. My own friends don't trust me anymore... I'm being rejected... Edward comes toward me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

-Jane he didn't mean it. But why didn't you tell us about it?

-I... I thought I could change that.... I didn't want... I-

-Shhh, calm down. I'm not angry. But the hardest will be with Al.

-I'm sorry.... May I add.... Somethings else...?

-What Jane?

-Hughes... Is dead....

The new falls abruptly on the group, hitting the two brothers like a whip. Judging I should leave, that's what I do and quickly run away...

//okay, as said earlier, sorry for late, and here's the new chapter! Hope you like it!

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