Chapter 2 : Immortal?

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Three days. Three days that I am vegetating in a dirty and dark jail! To pass the time, I read my manga again, and I notice that the story is progressively changing. For example, the Fifth Laboratory part has been erased and new drawings have appeared, showing me and the others, when Envy kidnapped me, when Edward escaped. And what is very good is that I can know exactly what the brothers are doing. They are the main characters, so it's normal I see them more often than myself. Good thing, Alphonse was not thinking something bad about his brother, because Edward explained him that it was not right. And the two are not at the hospital. But Winry had to come because I couldn't prevent Edward's automail damage. Yeah, there are some things I can't change. Like my situation right now. Hate this jail. I look at my Envy plush and imagine him with that face. He would be cute...

-Envy idiot!! I yelled.


Oh, he was there....

-Who do you call idiot?!

-You, genderless palm tree!!

-I am not a palm tree, and I am a boy dammit!!

-Nothing proves it! You are just a homunculus after all!!

-Oh? Then you really want to know?

I swallow, perfectly understanding what he means. I shake my head and come back on my bed, if we can call that a bed...

-You don't say anything, human? So that tells I am a guy, eh?

-Yeah whatever...

He smiles sadistically.

-I came for the daily informations. What a are the pipsqueak and the walking armor doing?

I sigh and open my manga to look at it.

-They are actually at Rush Valley with their friend Winry....

-Great! We won't attack now! Oh, and Father wanna see you, so you can go out.

I nod and follow him out of the jail. What do I lose after all? I still remember, when I was still in the "real world", I was in love with Envy. Now that I met him for real... Well, not that I am disappointed, I just feel like he is not exactly the same as in the books.... And it makes me feel a little uncomfortable, because I really believed that he would become nice at the end of the story. Of course, no.... I look down, walking behind him. My eyes went on his ouroboros tattoo, on his thigh. I really like that symbol. I always draw it everywhere, and... I have tattooed it on my back. My mother didn't want at first, but I pleaded her so much that she accepted. We finally arrive in the room. I see Father and Envy pushes me in front of him. A little scared, I look at him.

-What's your name, human?

-I am Jane.

-Envy said you could predict future. Is that true?

-Somehow, yes.

-So you can help us. What will happen to us in the future?

-Your plans will be destroyed and you all will... Die...

-What?! Can we prevent that?

-Yeah, I think there are two ways. First, you can kill the Elric brothers. Second, you can choose to live with humans, hidden.

-The two ways are impossible, and I think you know it!

-But you too will die, if you don't do that.

-Enough for now, put her in jail again Envy.

-Yes Father.

I glare at Father. Why don't he want to listen to me?! That's not fair... Absolutely not fair...

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