1. Transfer Student!Izumi x Fem!Reader

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Note : Izumi is a transfer student in your school .


"Hey, Sakakibara-senpai?", you asked Hikaru, a third year student.


"Did you see the new student that transferred today?"

"Yes, we're in the same class.", she smiled, "Wanna meet him?"

"Eh? N-No. I mean, he could be the type of guy who hates meeting people."

The two of you continue to walk and talk together until she had to go to the gym when it was time for the basketball team to practice. You two said goodbye to each other before heading your own ways. You went straight to the library where you usually spend your free time and began to look for a good book to read. After picking a book, you walked to your favorite spot next to a window in the very back. You raised an eyebrow at an unfamiliar blond male sitting on your usual spot. His green eyes were framed by glasses and he was completely focused on the book he was reading.

'That must be him.', you thought.

You contemplated whether to approach him or not. You thought about what you said to Hikaru earlier but based on his looks, he looked like a nice and friendly guy.

Deciding to try and befriend him, you walked towards the table and stood in front of him and waited for him to notice you. When he did, he looked up at you.

"May I sit here?", you asked politely.

He nodded and you sat across from him then flipped your book open so you can start reading. Once in awhile, you would sneak glances at him. As you did, you can't help but think about how attractive he looks and wondered what he's like. He noticed you glancing at him, making him fidget in his seat and push up his glasses. Your face flushed when you realized that he caught you looking at him, making you cover your face with your book out of embarrassment.

"W-What's your name?", he asked, putting his book down.

"(L-Last Name) (First Name)...a first year.", you answered.

"Nice to meet you, (Last Name)-san. I-I'm Takemoto Izumi, a third year."

"Nice to meet you too, Takemoto-senpai.", you said and smiled.

He smiled slightly and picked up his book to continue reading. You did the same but you couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you read.

~A few months later~

After that, you two often hanged out with each other, sometimes bringing your friends or his friends. The place where you two mostly spend time together is the library. If not the library, somewhere quiet where it feels like the two of you are the only people in the world.

As you got to know him, you began to really enjoy his company and would ask him if he could go to the school cafe with you. The first you did it was when you found out he loves drinking Café Latte, which happened to be your favorite as well.

Then, once or twice a week, you two would walk home together after school to talk about some things like books, your favorite authors and what you did during the day.

You didn't expect him to be so fun since he was shy and quiet when you two began hanging out.

Your friends noticed how close you two instantly become and would often tease you two about crushing on each other. You can handle it pretty well and just laugh it off while Izumi would be a blushing cute mess.


"Thank you, Sakakibara-san.", Izumi smiled at Hikaru as she placed both of your orders down on the table.

"You're welcome, Izumi-kun.", she smiled back before going back to the counter.

You and Izumi tool a sip of your latte and sighed as you two savored the delicious taste.

"Sakakibara-san makes the best latte.", you said.

Izumi nodded, "I agree."

You set your drink down on the table, "You know, studying here is becoming kinda like our hobby."

Izumi chuckled, "I guess so. It makes studying less boring and more...interesting."

"Haha, yeah."

The two of you stayed in the cafe, studying together and talking to each other until it was closing time.

"See you tomorrow, senpai!", you waved goodbye to Hikaru.

"Have a safe walk home, (Last Name), Izumi-san!", she saved back as she locked the doors of the cafe.

You and Izumi walked out of the school gates and to your way home.

"It was a fun day, right, (Last Name)-san?", Izumi questioned.

You beamed, "Yep~ Surprisingly, school seemed a little less boring today."

"Haha, I'll say."

You two walked in silence, side by side. You looked down at your and Izumi's shadow and wondered how the sunset looked behind you. You whipped around and stared in awe at the beautiful orange colored sky and the sun setting behind the mountain.

Izumi looked at you as you walked backwards, your eyes focused on the sky.

A few moments later, you tripped on your own feet and tumbled backwards. Izumi, thanks to his reflexes, quickly grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back up on your feet.


You stood up straight and smiled sheepishly at him, "Haha, sorry!"

"Keep your eyes on the road, (Last Name)-san. That might happen again if you're not careful enough. You just got lucky.", Izumi scolded, looking and sounding like a mom with his concerned look and tone.

"Hehe, OK, senpai."

The two of you continued to walk home, discussing about many things.

"You know, senpai."


"The sky really brings out your features."

"O-Oh?", Izumi blushed.

You giggled, "Yep~"



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