16. Jéan x Reader

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You hated him with all your guts. You didn't know why but maybe because of how he always messes around with girls in your school. You'll never admit it but you find him attractive in a way but his playboy acts annoy you to no end.

While walking down the hallway, you could hear the giggles of girls & Jéan's corny pickup lines. You could also hear the compliments he gives to the girls.

"Jéan-senpai, do you want to eat lunch together?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun!"

"Sorry girls but I have some other things to do."

'Like what? Flirt with more girls?', you thought & walked pass them.

Jéan noticed you right away & called out to you, "Y/N-chan!"

(Hehe~ senpai notices you, reader-chan~!)

'And I thought I could just ignore him.', you thought.

You turned around & glared at him. The demonic aura around you made him flinch but he tried to hide it by acting cool. He said goodbye to the girls & walked towards you.

"How was your day, Y/N-chan?"

"It was good until I saw you.", you said with a cold tone.

"You're so mean, Y/N-chan.", he chuckled & leaned against the locker.

"Whatever. Just stay away from me, you player.", you said & turned your back to him before walking away.

Jéan looked at your figure walking away from him. He sighs & crosses his arms while leaning against the locker still.

'She's so hard to impress...', he thought & smirked.

"Hey, Jéan! What are you still doing here?", he hears Hajime call out to him.

"Hmm? Ah, Hajime! Nothing really~", he says.

"Eh? It looked like you were thinking about something.", Hajime says as he stands besides Jéan.

"It's about Y/N-chan."

"Y/N-chan? You mean the assistant manager of the basketball club?"

"Mhm. In this school, every girl wants me to notice them but Y/N-chan is different. She would always avoid me or act cold towards me. Maybe that's why I'm after her."

"You're after her even though she obviously hates you?"

"Yeah. Even I don't understand either.", he says as he looks up at the ceiling.

"Well, good luck with that!", Hajime pats him on the back before leaving him alone.


Jéan was surrounded by girls as usual while you & Hikaru, the manager of the basketball club, the student council president & your older sister, talked about random topics on the side.

Hikaru excused herself & went to the bathroom. You sighed & looked at Jéan from the corner of your eyes.

'He's flirting with them like always...', the thought made you scowl & he noticed you looking at him.

He gave you a wink, making you blush & look away. You don't know it yet but Jéan is planning a way on how to make you realize that he likes you & he's serious about how he feels.



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