25. Ai x Fem!Reader

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||Requested by: dumbybum||

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A troubled look was on your face as you ate lunch with your boyfriend of two years, Ai. He was happily enjoying the lunch that you made him when he noticed the gloomy aura surrounding his wonderful girlfriend. Swallowing the food that was in his mouth, he scooted closer to you & gently nudged you.

You shook your head & faced him, "Yes, Ai-kun?"

"Are you OK, (Nickname)?", he asked with concern in his voice.

"Yes, I'm fine.", you faked a smile.

Ai frowned, obviously not believing you. He cupped both of your cheeks & made you face him.

"I know you're not, (N/N). Tell me what's bothering you."

You let out a sigh, "It's about...you."


"You're a third year who's about to graduate & that means you have to go away for college &..."

Ai knew what you wanted to say & pulled you closer for a hug, his nostrils inhaling your sweet smell. He stroked your hair with his hand & while the other was placed on your back. You felt OK in his arms & wrapped your arms around him as well, memorizing how his hug felt.

"I know we won't be able to see each other for a long time but you should always know that I am always with you.", he pulled away & smiled, "Besides, it's only going to be a few years."

He cupped your cheek & you leaned against his hand, "You're right."

A small smile appears on your lips & Ai kissed your forehead before kissing your lips, showing you how much he loves you.


You watched with a smile as the teachers congratulated Ai, for he had finally graduated. Ai had the biggest smile on his face as Haruka ruffled his pink hair. Soon, his friends & your fellow kouhais congratulated him. He thanked them all & walked closer to you, giving you & loving smile.

Tears began to form in the corner of your eyes, making Ai frown. He traps you in an embrace & you wrap your arms around him as well, hugging him tightly. Ai couldn't help but let his own tears stream down his cheeks. He pulled back & kissed you gently but passionately. He pulls away & stares into your tear filled (e/c) eyes. He wipes the tears that escaped from your eyes with his thumb & he smiles lovingly.

"It'll be OK, I promise.", he said.

You pressed your foreheads together & you sighed, nodding a little. He cups both of your cheeks & makes you look at him in the eyes.

"Goodbye, Ai..."

"Never say goodbye, (Nickname).", he said.

"We'll see each other soon so don't say goodbye & forget about me, OK? I love you, (Nickname)."


Aw , that was cute in my opinion . kinda sad but cute .

//wipes eyes with tissue


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