29. Yandere!Haruka x Fem!Reader

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||Requested by: Rayandere||

the picture belongs to me .


The young doctor of Ikemen High is known for being kind & gentle towards his patients, always putting their needs before his. He also looked a bit too young for someone with the age of 29. When we talk about facial features, he's flawless. The female teachers & even some female students find him attractive. From his pink, neatly styled hair, to his shining orbs obscured by glasses, his unblemished light skin, his taller than average height & lean body. There's no doubt that this man was attractive & charming but underneath his good looks & kind facade, there hides another side of him that nobody knows except for him. He was rather dark & overly possessive of the things he love. He hides that secret side of him under a mask of attentiveness & won't show it unless he's alone.

Lately, he's been having a hard time trying to conceal his inner self, for someone he deeply loves is now a teacher in the school he's working at. Her name was (Last Name) (First Name), the new teacher of Class B. She was only three years younger than him with beautiful silky (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes that glistened with kindness & framed by long elegant eyelashes, soft (s/c) skin, perfect body & a height that makes her look cute in his eyes (beautiful if you're tall). (First Name) was Haruka's schoolmate & crush when they were in highschool. Even though the two of them graduated years ago & never saw each other again, Haruka still had feelings for her & waited for the day when he will finally see her again. That day finally came & Haruka was delighted to know that she applied as teacher in Ikemen High but also frustrated because his friend (who he now considers as his rival) is growing close to her. The rather grumpy & strict teacher, Kyouya. The two adults live in the same neighborhood so it was easy for them to communicate & see each other everyday.


Haruka sat alone in the infirmary room, writing notes on a paper as he waited for a patient to come in. His hand moved ferociously across the page, leaving dark marks on the paper. Earlier, he was on his way to the restroom when he passed by Kyouya's homeroom. He turned his head in an instinct & accidentally peeked through the small glass on the door & saw Kyouya with (First Name), seemingly talking about something. Kyouya's class was in P.E. so the class was empty. As he began watching them without their notice, he took notice of Kyouya's flushed cheeks & the huge smile on (First Name)'s plump lips. The (h/c) haired adult nodded her head, making Kyouya smile back at her. When she turned around to head for the door, Haruka quickly left. He pretended that he was walking around the hallway when (First Name) approached him, making his heart pound.

"Hello, Haru-kun.", she greeted him.

"Uh...hi, (First Name)-chan. What are you doing here & not in your homeroom?"

"Oh, Kyouya called me. I have good news to tell you!", she said.

"What would that be?"

"Kyouya asked me out! Isn't that great? Of all people, he asked me out!", she squealed in happiness.

Haruka refrained from making his eye twitch & instead, clenched his fists behind his back. He forced a fake smile.


"Really! I'm so happy. I gotta go, see you later!", she said before walking away.

That moment played over & over in Haruka's mind & at every second, his hand scribbled the words on the paper harder & harder until he poked a hole through it by accident. He slammed his hands on the table, making the cup of pens fall on the floor. He bit his lip harshly & growled until his lip bled. He coldly lifted his head, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

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