12. Takeru x Fem!Reader

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You & Takeru had been friends since childhood. He was like an older brother to you & he always protected you. Your parents would call the two of you as the Princess & the Knight because whenever you were in trouble, Takeru would come & help you. When you turned twelve & him fourteen, he moved to (Country) for awhile but you two still contacted each other. After two years, he came back to Japan & reunited with you again.

Now, you're a freshman in Ikemen Academy & he's in third year. Even if you can take care of yourself, he's still protective of you.


You were serving your customers' orders when the bell jingled, signaling that another customer has entered the cafe.

"(Nickname)-chan!", you hear Takeru's voice call out for you.

"Takeru-senpai! Welcome.", you smiled.

He walked towards you & poked your forehead, "I told you to just call me by the nickname you gave me."

"G-Gomen, Take-niichan."

He smiled & patted your head, "Kawaii."

You blushed at his little compliment, making you look ten times cuter in his eyes.

"Is (Last Name)-san getting flustered~?", Makoto,who was sitting on the table next to the two of you, teased.

Wakatoshi & Shun laughed when your face turned redder. Takeru blinked at them before smiling & chuckling.

"Senpai!", you said.

"Go ahead & keep on doing what you were doing before, (Nickname)-cham. I'll be over there.", he pointed to the table where the large teddy bear was.

You nodded & he walked away. You smiled to yourself & went back to work.


You & Takeru walked home together after your shift ended. It was cold & you forgot to bring your scarf so you were shivering. You rubbed your hands together & rubbed your arms to keep yourself warm. Takeru noticed & smiled. You blushed when he wrapped his red scarf around your neck. Luckily, your cheeks were already red from the cold so your blush blended in.

"T-Take-niichan! You'll get cold!", you said & tried to unwrap the scarf so you can give it back to him.

He stopped you & gave you a warm smile, "No need, (Nickname)-chan. I don't want you freezing."

"But I don't want you freezing either..."

"It's fine!", he said & intertwined your fingers.

"Because you're the one who keeps me warm.", he blushed.


He was silent for a few seconds & before he could speak, you wrapped your arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around you, returning the hug. You pressed your face against his chest, enjoying the warmth he was giving you.

"Let's go home before it gets colder.", you said & held his hand again.

"Mhm~", he smiled & the two of you continued to walk home holding hands.


Kyaa~ ! Senpai is so cute~ !


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