32. Yuu x Fem!Reader

96 1 7

||Requested by: Queen_Cutie_Senpai||

I'm so sorry if your request took soooo long .


"He's looking at you again, (Last Name)-chan~", Shun poked your shoulder while grinning from ear to ear.

You turned your head slightly & looked at him with your eyes that held no emotion whatsoever before averting them to the ginger haired male standing in the doorway, seemingly not listening to Jae as he talked to him. He was staring at you & when you met eyes, he beamed & waved his hand.


You turned your head & looked at the board instead, making Yuu pout in disappointment.

Being a Deredere, Yuu is very loving & affectionate towards others or towards something that he loves. You, on the other hand, were a Kuudere. It means you are mostly emotionless most of the time, choosing to stay quiet & ignore other people. It's not like you hated people, it's just that you're not that good when it comes to communicating. Despite being sort of dull & silent, you managed to catch the heart of Yuu.

Ever since Yuu met you, he was already infatuated with you. He said that you looked cute, despite looking at him with only a deadpan expression. He would greet you everyday, give you the cutest things & treats & just stay close to you in general. Despite all his efforts to break your turtle shell, you never showed emotion or at least a small smile.

That wasn't enough to make Yuu give up though. He knows that he needs to keep trying until you finally return his feelings.

It wasn't hard to see that he has strong feelings for you since...well...he shows it everyday. You were aware of it, yes.

The other students thought that the two of you were cute together but they could see how much Yuu tries so hard to win your heart, especially on these types of scenarios.


"(Last Name)-chan~!"

You turned around to face the male, who called you out from the other end of the hallway. When he saw you looking at him, he immediately skipped towards you, the students making a way for him.

He came to halt in front of you & beamed, "I have something for you~"

"I'm sorry, Kawamura-kun. I have to get to class.", you said monotonously before bowing, turning around & walking away.

"(L-Last First)-chan, chotto matte!", he called out & chased after you.


Yuu giggled to himself after putting a little gift in your locker. When he heard your voice coming from around the corner, he immediately closed your locker & locked it before running away.

You waved goodbye to your best friend before walking towards your locker. You unlocked it & opened it, tilting your head once you saw the small box wrapped in pink wrapper with a red bow. You shrugged your shoulders before grabbing a few textbooks & closing your locker.

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