11. Hajime x Fem!Reader

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Hajime isn't just good at organizing & leading festivals & playing taiko drums. He is also good at making your day one hundred percent better.

His energetic personality is what makes you smile.

Today is your birthday & he wanted to something special for you. With your friends' help, he managed to set up a birthday party for you. He also sent (Best Friend) to make sure that you don't come home until everything was ready.

"Seriously, (B/F). Where are we going?", you asked as she dragged you away from your house before you could even enter the door.

"Somewhere! Don't worry!", she said & grinned.

You sighed & decided to just follow her. You two arrived at the mall after a few minutes of walking since you live close to the city.

"What are we doing here, (B/F)?", you asked & crossed your arms.

"Just follow me, (Nickname)-san! You ask too many questions.", she said & began to drag you around the mall.

She bought you many clothes for you to wear, which made you confused.

You were about to question her again when her phone rang. She grinned when she saw the message & pushed you inside the lady's bathroom.

"Get change, (N/N)-san!", she yelled from the other side of the door, "Hurry!"

You sighed & changed into one of the clothes she bought for you. After a few moments, you came out of the bathroom stall, wearing a (f/c) dress.

(B/F) squealed & quickly dragged you to the counter to pay for everything before dragging you out of the mall.


"She's coming!", (Male friend) said & everyone quickly went to their hiding place.

(B/F) opened the door for you & you raised an eyebrow when you saw nothing but darkness.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, (FIRST NAME)-SAN!", your friends came out of their hiding places & greeted you with enthusiasm

You smiled widely & thanked everyone for the surprise.

"But, we're not the one who planned this.", (Female friend) smirked.

"Really? Then...who did?",

"I did, (Last Name)-chan!", you heard a voice from behind (Female friend).

(Female friend) moved aside for you to see him better. You blushed when Hajime flashed you his bright smile.

"Happy birthday, (Last Name)-chan! What do you think?", he asked.

You smiled & gave him a tight hug, "Thank you! This is the best thing that anyone has ever done for me."

Hajime grinned & your friends gave him a thumbs up before he hugged you back.

Your birthday party went smoothly.

You all played games, some got drunk, others tried to control those drunk ones & you spent the entire party with Hajime.



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