23. Viktor x Fem!Reader

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You were screaming internally as you examined your test paper that Kyouya just handed out to you with a disappointed look on his (handsome) features.

"Very disappointing, L/N-san.", Kyouya said, crossing his arms over his chest.


"I think we should get someone to tutor you since it seems like you're failing this subject. I know that you're trying your hardest to pass this subject but it's not quite enough."

"A tutor, sir?"

He nodded.

You sighed, "Yes, sir."

You hang your head low & walked back to your desk & plopped your butt on your chair, slamming your head on your table & groaning. You didn't want a tutor. You can study by yourself but you know that disobeying Kyouya meant a whole week of punishments for you. Besides, it's best not to disobey him because his other students are rowdy enough. You are the only student in his class that actually studies & listens to him.

As class goes on, you wondered who your tutor will be. It can't be just anyone, you figured that is what Kyouya is thinking right now. If he's going to need someone to help him with his students, there is only one teacher who he knows & trusts completely.


No...not him...

Viktor Espinoza, the homeroom teacher of Class 3-B.

The reason why you don't really want to have him as your tutor is because-


"Hello, Y/N-chan~", he greeted you in a very teasing manner.

"Do you need something, Viktor-sensei?", you asked, your lips curling down from the moment he talked to you.

-he often likes to tease you & annoy you, ignoring the fact that he's a teacher & you're a student. He acts like the two of you are best of friends & would talk to you casually or teasingly in front of your friends. Of course, your oh so lovable best friend would tease you nonstop when he leaves, saying that you might have a crush on the red haired sensei & that might be the reason why you try to get away from him most of the time.

Honestly, you did not. You just didn't want to make your schoolmates think that you like a teacher. Who knows what the fuck kind of rumors they would spread around about you. Viktor leaned on the wall next to you & gave you a smile, showing his white teeth & fangs. Another thing about him that you really don't like is the 'vampire' part. You're not really into vampires, especially after seeing one sparkle in a movie you've watched before...

"Kyouya told me something earlier~"

"About the tutor thing, huh?"

"Correct, my dear! He asked me to tutor you in (worst subject) & of course, I agreed. ", he said, his smile slightly widening.

"Whatever, sensei. When do we start?"

You don't usually talk to teachers like that but since he acts like the two of you are friends, you figured that he didn't mind. The vampire teacher flashed you a toothy grin & leaned down to your ear.

"After school, of course.", he whispered before walking away.

You grumbled some things under your breath & walked the opposite direction, preparing yourself for your tutoring & his annoying teasing after school.


"OK Y/N-chan, your place or mine?", the vampire sensei asked.

"I'd rather study in your place, sensei. I don't want my mom to ask me why a brought a male to my house."

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