26. Wakatoshi x Fem!Reader

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You sobbed as you hugged your knees close to your chest. You sat alone & crying in the school's rooftop because of (Jerk's name). The stupid bastard loves teasing, embarrassing & even harassing you. Last week, he destroyed a project that you worked so hard on & because of that, you didn't pass it in time & had to do it all over again. Three days ago, he & his group 'accidentally' spilled paint all over you & your friends. This time, he went too far & embarrassed you in front of many students by sticking his foot out in your way & making you trip.

Just thinking about all what he did to you makes you sick & want to cry more. You're usually a strong individual but not when someone humiliates you.

You heard the door burst open & you quickly wiped your tears before facing the person who opened the door. It was Wakatoshi with a scowl on his face. Once his steel blue eyed landed on you, his eyes softened & he quickly approached you. He gently pulled you up & trapped you between the railings & his body.

"Y/N, why are you crying?", he wiped the tears that spilled from your eyes with his thumb.

You contemplated whether to tell him or not. Wakatoshi is a delinquent & who knows what he will do to (Jerk's name) if you tell him. When you didn't speak, Wakatoshi sighed & hugged you, his left hand stroking your hair in a comforting way. You gripped his white shirt in your hand & let it all out. The two of you stayed like that until you stopped crying.

Wakatoshi pulls away & placed his hands on your cheeks, tilted your head up gently & looking into your eyes.

"Now, tell me, what happened?"

"(J-Jerk's name)..."

"What did he do?", his look darkened.

You gulped, "He...He won't stop teasing, embarrassing & harassing me..."

Wakatoshi eyes softened again & he placed a small kiss on your forehead, "I'll beat him up for what he fucking did."

He held your hand & led you to the gym. (Jerk's name) is in the basketball team but he always skips practice but not when Makoto is in there. Wakatoshi pushed the doors open & immediately spotted him getting scold by Makoto. Wakatoshi stormed towards him with you trailing behind him.

(Jerk's name) smirks as he sees you but his smirk was wiped off of his face when Wakatoshi punched him, sending him to the ground.

"Wakatoshi!", you tried to stop him but to no avail.

Wakatoshi tackled (Jerk's name) & gave him another punch before grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"Stay away from Y/N or I will pound your sorry little ass until you fucking bleed!", Wakatoshi growled into (Jerk's name) face.

Makoto pried him off of the male & two team members lifted (Jerk's name) up. Makoto sighs & he looks at the beaten up male.

"(Jerk's name), you're out of the team. Not only because you won't stop bugging Y/N-chan, but also because of your attitude towards me, coach & your teammates. I'm sorry but I won't allow someone like you in my team.", Makoto said.

(Jerk's name) freed himself from the two team members' grip before storming out of the gym. Wakatoshi calmed down & he walked towards you, pulling you closer for a hug.

"I'll protect you no matter what.", he whispered in your ear.

You smiled & hugged him back, "Thank you, Waka-chan."



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