Just One Time, Reviewed

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Well great.

I thought to myself as I watched my friends go off with guys who snatched them up from the bar. We literally just got in the club, and I'm already by myself..

That's just perfect.

I sighed and moved down a couple seats from all the other people who were at the bar. Most of them were drunk, and leaning on me.. I didn't have time for all that slurring and throwing up. No thanks.

I leaned my head against the wall as the bar tender came over to me with a shot glass that had a clear liquid in it.. I asked for vodka so that's what I'm guessing it was. I took it slowly and gave him a gentle smile which he returned.

"All your friends left you?" He asked nicely, looking over at them on the dance floor. I swallowed down the vodka scrunching up my face as my throat caught fire from the shot.

"Yeah." I said clearing my airway with a sip of water then shrugged. My Bajan accent seeping out for a second.

"Why aren't you out there dancing?" He leaned on the counter, and raised an eyebrow. One drunk guy was waving his hand crazily screaming at the bar tender trying to get his attention.

I chuckled. "Well cause most of these guys end up like that one, or us girls always end up having a one night stand. And I want NO part of that." I said shaking my head.

"That's true, but hold on one second." He turned towards the guy and waved his rag at him. "C'mon Jamal, no more." He wandered off over to the guy.

I grabbed my shot glass looking down in it, watching the remaining tiny bit of liquid move around then put it down and tapped my fingers on the table listening to the music.

This is boring.. Maybe I should leave.

I slowly gathered my things and spun the chair around. As I got down off of it, I bumped into a guy who had a drink in his hands which caused some of it to spill onto his shirt.

I gasped and looked at the spill watching it get bigger and bigger. "I'm so sorry.. I-Im so clumsy." I said reaching behind me, grabbing some napkins. I heard a deep chuckle as I turned back around and started wiping his shirt off. He must think I'm an idiot.

"It's alright ma." He took the napkins after setting his drink down and grabbed his shirt patting it. I finally looked up at him to see him concentrating on his shirt.

Holy shit, he's gorgeous.

He's.. HOLY SHIT. He looked down at me putting the napkins on the counter then smiled showing me his grill on his bottom teeth. "Again.. I'm so sorry." I said grabbing my keys from the counter.

He raised an eyebrow watching me. "It's alright, and don't leave. I could use some company." He said sitting down in the seat next to mine. Before I could open my mouth to protest he gestured to the seat I was sitting in.

I slowly shook my head. "I really need to get-" I started but was cut off by him saying something in return. "I mean.. you did make me spill my drink after all. You can't keep me company? No female's gonna talk to me now that there's this on my shirt."

He looked me in my eyes and I was instantly drawn in. I sighed and set my stuff down then slowly sat down next to him. Do not get caught up with him. He stared at me for a second then gave me another dazzling smile.

I smiled back as he waved the bar tender over.  He walked over looking at the man next to me. "What can I get you sir?" He asked throwing his rag over his shoulder. "A vodka shot for my friend and two shots of whiskey for me." He said nodding a little. The bar tender nodded then gave me a "oo la la" look as he walked away.

I rolled my eyes slowly looking up at the handsome man. "You didn't have to buy me a shot, you know." I said softly. He crossed his arms laying them on the table then looked down at me. "Well, I'm making you sit here with me.. the least I can do is buy you something." I give him a sigh then look away. "I don't even know your name."

He gives me a small but dangerous smile. "Jacob, but you can call me Prince." He said chuckling taking my shot glass from me. "And yours?" I took a deep breath and looked at him.

Prince? That's his name.. no wonder he resembles a god.

"It's Lana." I said looking at the bartender coming back over to our table. He set the 2 shots in front of him then the one in front of me. "There you go." He gives a quick nod of the head then walks away. Prince grabs his first and looks at me, holding his shot glass to me.

I slowly take mine, tapping my shot glass against his. He smiles and downs it with no problem. I down mine then immediately take a sip of the water provided. "That shot was for.. you spilling my drink on my shirt and sitting next to me." He said softly then looks at me while grabbing the other shot glass.

"And this one is for... hope that you'll dance with me on the dance floor." He winks at me then downs that shot too. I raise an eyebrow as my cheeks heat up.

"I don't dance, Prince." I shake my head, watching him slide out his seat. "I don't buy drink for women who spill drinks on my shirt so I guess we're both trying new things today, huh?" He reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me from my seat.

I roll my eyes and put my phone in my bra. "Are you going to keep using that as an excuse to be with me right now?" I ask, going to the dance floor with him. He laughs a little. "If it lets me get to know you better then.. yes, all the time Ms. Lana." He pulls me into the middle of the dance floor bringing me close to him.

I stand there awkwardly, moving my hips from side to side. He watches me, laughing. "That's all you got, ma?" He lets me go. "I told you I don't dance!" I stop moving my hips to the music and fold my arms across my chest.

"Let me help you, c'mere." He grabs my hands, pulling me close to him again. I look up at him, blushing more. He winks at me, placing his hands on my hips guiding me to the music. The song "Come Thru" by Jacquees was playing. I sung the song a little as he grabs me, twirling me around so my back was to his chest. I started wining my hips on him. I don't know maybe it was the vodka shots, or the fact that I couldn't see his face that made me more comfortable.

His hands tightened on my hips, moving to my rhythm. I wasn't really grinding on him.. but occasionally I would brush up against his member. I smile and slowly turn back around. His hands slid up and down my back, looking down at me. I held onto his shirt and pulled him closer to me.

"You can't dance, huh?" He mocked then smiled at me. Oh, that girl.. I chuckled. "Maybe it's the shots. I don't usually dance." I said, shrugging. He just stared at me for a second then shook his head, twirling me around making me go in a 360 while he was examining my body.

He let go. I spun around until I was facing him again. Once I stopped, he grabbed me again and made me wrap my arms around his waist since I'm short. He grabbed onto my chin, making me look up at him then started singing to the song. "If you know what's good for you, if you know what's good for you. Come thru, come thru little shawty come thru." I blushed more, shaking my head. He looked me in my eyes, putting his forehead on me. Oh Prince.. The music stops but we're both just standing there. He smirks, raising an eyebrow. "Do you wanna get outta here?" He asks, moving his forehead off mine. l bite my bottom lip, thinking. My body says yes! Yes go, home with him bitch! DO IT! But my mind is saying, don't do it honey. It's nothing but trouble and mistaken feelings. I wave off my thoughts and slowly nod my head. It's one time, right? One night.

- Please leave comments and remarks so I can't go back and read them later. 💖💖

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