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It's been 12 hours since the accident happened. Lana is still not waking up. The doctor said she's not in a coma. She's just not awake yet. I need her to wake up. They transferred her and Nila to the hospital we work at so it's easier for me to see her and take care of her. Plus we have equipment the other hospital didn't so it makes sense. Everyone has been stopping by to give her flowers and cards. I read them to her.

"I went and got you your favorite lunch..just in case you wake up, Lana. I know you're going to be hungry." I nod slowly, picking at my salad while I look at her lifeless face. Please wake up soon.

I fight back my tears then continue to eat my salad, wiping a piece of lettuce off my scrubs. "I know you can hear me, I really need you to wake up. I know it's only been like 12 hours since the crash, but I can't sleep knowing you aren't better yet. Everyone needs you..Nila needs you. I need you, Lana. Jacob is on his way. He should be landing any time now. I know you're gonna be happy to see him or maybe not..Just don't leave me, okay?"

Wiping my eyes again, I sigh and close my salad. "I have to go to work and you have to start feeling better so. If you wake up while I'm at work, I better be the first person you call, okay? I'll be working in the er so I'll just stop by."

I stare at her for a second then get up to lean over and kiss her cold forehead. My poor bestfriend. "I love you so much."

Before leaving I clean my mess then throw away my salad. Time to go back to work. I run down to the er and slide on my jacket and some gloves. Let's just get this off my mind.. I head over to a curtain and pull it back.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Harper Moore. What seems to be the problem today?" I put on a smile for the little boy who's sitting on the er bed with him mom.


"Thank you." I retort, taking the keys from the rental guy before taking ahold of my bags heading out the back door to the parking garage with the cars.

I picked out a 2017 silver Honda Civic. It's not what I'm use to, but all that matters right now is me getting to the hospital for Lana and...my daughter.

I unlock the car and pop the trunk, tossing my bags in it then slam it shut. It's good that the hospital isn't far from here. Only a good 30 minutes. Well maybe 20 if I speed.

"I'm looking for Lana Taylor. She's suppose to be here." My fingers tap frantically on the counter as the nurse nods and looks at the computer screen.

Her head lifts and I look at her. "She's in Room 467, that's in the MSICU. That's on the 4th floor. You'll need a pass to get past the doors and a visitors sticker. I'll write you one real quick."

She takes a pen and writes me a permission pass.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" She looks up at me again and smiles. Lady, I'm not here to flirt with you. Just give me the stuff I need so I can go.

"Jacob Perez." My eyes advert away from her and I shake my head. She nods then writes me a visitors sticker and hands them both to me after she's done.

"Thank you." I take the visitors sticker with my name on it and take it off the paper, sticking it on my jacket so everyone can see. I slide the pass in my sweatpants pocket along with my phone while heading down the hall towards the elevator.

I press the up arrow and when the doors open. I practically jump on the thing then press the 4th floor, but as the doors close someone's enters the elevator. I shove my hands into my pockets then glance over at her to see her staring at me with her chocolate eyes. She shakes her head then looks ahead of herself.

"Jacob Perez?" She says softly, putting her hands in her scrubs. "I should kill you and the only reason why I won't right now is because I'm working and the elevator cameras are always being watched."


My eyebrows furrow slightly as I continue to look down at her then I relax slightly. "Harper..how is she and Nila doing?"

She quickly presses the 'STOP' button on the elevator, causing it to abruptly stop then turns to me with an angered expression.

"How are they doing, Jacob? Seriously?! Now you care all of a sudden. Why? Do you know that the day she called you she was planning to tell you that Nila was YOUR baby? Do you know that?! Do you know that she cried over your ass all the time after you blocked her from everything? Do you know who held her when she bawled her eyes out? ME! Do you know who was there to witness the birth of YOUR fucking child? ME! She did nothing wrong to you and you blew her off when she was trying to tell you! You blamed her for fucking someone else when she was only fucking you, the asshole! She didn't know how to tell you she was pregnant. She was in shock! She thought you wouldn't be happy and you didn't want her in your life and that's exactly what you showed her. You are the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in my life. You better pray Lana forgives you when she wakes up because if I was her I'd blow you off just like you did to her. And also, if she doesn't wake up or Nila dies Jacob, I'll personally kill you myself."

She wipes her tearful eyes and cheeks then pressed the continue button on the elevator.

I lean my back against the wall and continue to look at her. "Harper, I'm sorry..I-"

The elevator dings and the doors open.

"Shut up. Doesn't feel good does it? Have a great day." She turns towards me and gives me sarcastic smile then walks backwards out the elevator before the doors close again.

I let out a frustrated huff then run my hands through my hair, pulling on the gray streaked part of my hair.

Once the elevator stops on the 4th floor, I walk off of it and head to the double doors. It buzzes as I approach it then opens. I walk inside and look around. A nurse with blue scrubs comes over and looks up at me.

"How may I help you sir?" She looks at my name tag then back up at my face. I take my permission pass and hand it to her.

"I'm here for Lana Taylor..Can I see her?" My hands find they way back into my pockets.

"Of course, right this way Mr.Perez." She glances at my permission pass then hands it back to me before walking over to Room 467, knocking on the door before opening it.

She nods and gestures me in. I walk in to see Lana in the bed. My heart immediately launches out my chest and begins to hurt. I clear my throat to get the lump out and walk over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it.

"Hey Lana..babygirl." I take her hand and feel how cold it is, but I don't care. I bring it up to my lips to kiss it softly. "I'm so sorry.."

My eyes advert to her pale-colored face. All these machines she's hooked up makes me feel even worse. I try to hold back my tears, but one falls..then another.

"I shouldn't have said any of that stuff to you. I know I hurt you dearly, please find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm right here..Im not leaving you anytime soon. You have to get better for our daughter..my other babygirl. I haven't went to see her yet, but I bet she's just as beautiful as you. I'm an idiot for not listening to you..for not letting you explain. If I could go back and redo everything I would. Up to the part of you being pregnant. I'd be there for you and everything."

I raise her hand and settle it on my cheek. "Wake up for me please.." My other hand reaches over and moves some of her hair out her face. I need you to wake...up.


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