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"Dr. Taylor, I need to ask you something personal."

With the days rapidly passing it was hard to keep up. Me and Jacob were on good terms, great terms. We'd even alternated days with Nila, so one of us could stay home while the other person worked. Today was my day to work, and it was crazy.

I looked at the resident standing in front of me through my lashes, Rosa Roman. She had a tan complexion, brown eyes, etc. She was very beautiful. As usual, she was dressed in all pink scrubs and which indicated that she was working with the babies.

I took a second to break away from my clipboard, looking at her. "Shoot."

"Hypothetically speakinggg," she began dragging her words. "If I were to ask you how many times in a week you and your boyfriend have sex, would you tell me?"

My mouth opened then closed without saying a word.

"What?" I finally said after a few second with a raised eyebrow. Though I wasn't embarrassed about the question because we had sex whenever we could, and it was great—fantastic even. It was just weird that she would ask me that.

Her eyes grew wide and cautious. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make this uncomfortable for you, but me and Marcus haven't been doing it a lot. I just wanted to know how much you have sex so I can compare."

It took me a second to regather my thoughts as I nodded my head. I took my pen and scratched my head with it before putting it back in my pocket.

"Well, you can't really compare," I began, setting my clipboard down onto the counter. "Because your man and mine are different people. Jacob is a sex machine, he runs on sex. Your man might not. Plus, you have to take other elements in as a factor, such as: argument, kids, work, you know?"

She nodded, but clearly didn't care about that. "Can you just answer the question, please?"

Sighing, I took my clipboard back into hand then looked into her big eyes. "On average, we have sex about four to six times in a week."

"Are you serious?" The bewildered look on her face shows she has less than that—way less than that. "No wonder you're always so happy all the damn time."

I give her a half-hearted shrug, not really knowing what to say. In my head, I'm thinking about how I'm going to get out of this because I no longer want to talk about it. Again, not embarrassed. It's just weird.

She looks off to the side, crossing her arms. "I have sex, like, once a week. I want more. I need more." Her body slumps against the counter, looking at me again with a curious expression on her face.


"What positions do y'all use?"

"Okay, that's enough!" My voice raises slightly as I take my belongings and walk off in the other direction. I hear her scoff then yell something, but I keep on walking.

Turning the corner, I bump into Harper. A bright smile instantly flashes upon her face making me raise an eyebrow. "What's up with the smile?"

She shrugs then starts giggling. "It's been a good day, I guess." Her body turns in the direction I'm going and we walk down the hall together. The constant beeping of machinery is not even noticeable to us.

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