Another One.

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"How long do you think you're going to be gone?" Lana poked her head out from the bathroom, holding a naked princess in her arms and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, taking my keys and wallet into my hand.

"Maybe an hour," I nodded, walking over to her before planting a small kiss on her forehead then on Nilas'. "Make sure you're ready when I get back because we have to be on time. I love you."

I referred to the meeting we had to go to for my promotion. It was going to be a special meeting with the people who wanted to recruit me. Usually, you're not allowed to have family there because it is the CIA, and it is a pretty big deal, but I'm already hiding enough from Lana. Like the fact that I was going to see Kait right now. So I don't want to hide anything else. 

"Alright, we'll be ready, and I love you too babe."

After that, I headed downstairs and out the house in a rush. I was already late with Kait, and didn't feel like hearing her mouth. These little meetings with Kait weren't that bad, especially since most of the time I was just talking about Lana and Nila, or she was talking about some other shit.

I got in my audi and opened my phone, putting in the address in the GPS touch screen then slid my seatbelt on before pulling out the garage. It's about ten minutes away, so it won't be that bad. I turned on some music and started down the street.

Shortly after, I pulled up to Georgia Aquarium, finding a parking space pretty far away from other cars. I'd be pissed if someone scratched my baby. Quickly, I got out the car with my stuff and began walking towards the entrance. While paying for my ticket, I glance over at Kait who is waving at me. I nod my head then take my ticket, walking over to her.

"Hey, I started to think you weren't going to show up to our date." She smiled in innocence as I raised an eyebrow. "This is not a date, let's make that clear." The words slipped out almost instinctively, causing her to frown a little.

I shook my head. "Come on, I gotta be somewhere in a little bit, so we don't have that much time."

We started off into the directions of the sharks.


The air thickened as Harper and Nila stared at me from their seats on the bed. I kept my hands on my hips as I paced back and forth, fiddling with my fingers every now and again.

"Are you sure?"

I gave her a look, a sarcastic one and she put her hands up indicating she was going to back off. I called Harper as soon as Jacob left because we had a problem.

"I'm positive, I'm four days late and look at my boobies," I paused to point to my breast that had became a bit bigger. Even last night, Jacob had mentioned them to be more firm and asked me about my menstrual cycle. I shook off his question by telling him my cycle would be on soon, then he lost interest.

I gathered my thoughts and recollected myself before continuing to pace around the room. "What if I am?" The initial thought of me being pregnant again freaked me out, because Jacob was leaving soon. I'd be all alone once again. How would I even tell him if I was?

"Then you're pregnant, Lana. I don't think you should freak over it, not yet at least, not until we get you an ultrasound. Go look at the test." She stated, making me bit my bottom lip in curiosity. I knew I was, I had a feeling.

"I feel it though," I whispered quietly, finally taking a seat in the vanity chair. It's not unlikely for someone to know that they are pregnant. When I was pregnant with Nila, she was way bigger than what she was suppose to be, my teeth were more sensitive, etc. It was all bad.

Turning my chair around towards the vanity, I picked up the test as I said a mental prayer then flipped it over. Two lines were clearly visible, I stared at it for a long time before it completely registered.

"Oh god," My hands fell over my face as I ran my fingers up and over my head, pushing my hair back slightly. I couldn't help, but to tear up from all the emotions. Happy, sad, scared. It wasn't like I wasn't happy to have another baby, but it was just bad timing with Jacob leaving for six months.

Harper took the test from my hand, setting it on the bed then pulled me over to her. "It's okay," She paused as if she wanted to say something. "I always knew his pull out game was weak."

Startled by the statement, I shoot a 'shut the fuck up' look towards her, trying not to laugh. She smiled at me then handed me Nila who was giggling with all her heart, her tiny arms wrapped around my neck to hug me. I held her close, smiling as well.

"Well," I stopped myself as I rocked from side to side. "He never pulls out, but we said we didn't want to have another kid right now, not until Nila grows up a bit more."

That's another thing I was excited for, little Nila. She was already crawling— almost walking, trying to speak words like Mama and Dada, and she definitely started to act like me. Or, at least she tried to.

Nila leaned towards me, giving me a sloppy kiss on my lips then laughed as she told on her tippy toes on my thighs.

Another one of you.


Sorry this chapter was short, I had college work to do!

This chapter kind of sucked, I know! But, please leave your feedback! I'm very subconscious about the story and making sure you guys are still riding with it.

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