Burden cont.

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I'm awaken by someone shaking my arm.

Instinctively, I grab the persons arm and snap my eyes open to see Harper looking down at me with a unimpressed face. She snatches her arm away from me and I sit up straight, looking over at Lana hoping she was awake.

"Her mom is here. She's coming in so make yourself presentable. I'm sure she has a lot to say to you." Harper says looking at Lana as well, folding her arms right across her chest.

I spread my legs in the chair, opening my mouth to let out a yawn. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know you snore in your sleep..Nila does the same thing." She says as the buzzer on her shirt starts ringing. Her hand reaches up and presses the button causing a loud beep followed by the voice of a female.

"Harper, you're needed in the ER. A lady is complaining that her organs are dying because she's bleeding."

My eyebrow raises while Harper shakes her head.

"Is this the same lady from last week? The one with the period?" She keeps her eyes on Lana and waits for a reply.

"Yes ma'am. This is the same lady."

Harper pinches the bridge of her nose and let's out a deep sigh. "It's just her period. It's irregular. There's nothing we can do for her. I'm in an important meeting right now, so have her wait or get an intern. I'll be done soon. Thank you."

Without another word she hangs upon the girl.

"You just lied. You're not in an important meeting." I quietly say. She slowly turns her head towards me.

"Keep talking to me, Perez, and you'll be in a hospital bed next."

I put my hands up in defense and look at the clock that reads, 1:56 pm. A small knock interrupts Harper's death stare to my head. She unfolds her arms and opens the door slowly to a weeping woman. I stand up because I know for sure it's her mom. Harper embraces the woman and closes the door slowly, hugging her tight.

"I know. It's going to get better." She whispers in her Lana's moms ear. The lady nods and lifts her head wiping her nose and eyes with the tissues balled up in her hand.

Harper lets her go and moves out the way so she can see me. I slip my hands in my pockets, clearing my throat. She looks at me and walks over to me, hugging me tight as well. I hesitantly hug her back, rubbing her back slowly.

"You hurt my daughter dearly and I am pissed at you, but my only concern as of right now is my child's health and the child you guys have made together." She states giving my back a slight pat then slowly let's me go, looking at Lana in the bed. I nod my head slowly, understanding the words she was saying.

"Oh my sweet girl. I'm here now."  She runs her hand down Lana's cheek then leans down kissing her nose. "How's Nila doing?" She asks sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Harper.

She raises both of her eyebrows and smiles. "She's doing amazing. Everything's going good with her. I have a pic of her if you want to see her." She nods her head and takes out her phone unlocking it, pulling up at pic of Nila. She turns the phone around and I step closer to it, taking it slowly.

I stare at the picture for a second in awe at how precious she is. "She's beautiful. Look at those eyes, those hazel-greenish eyes..and that smile and those cheeks..Just like Lana." After a good minute I hand the phone to Lana's mom who smiles.

"So, what do you plan to do about this, Jacob? You have a kid now." She looks up from the picture and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

I haven't thought about that yet. "I don't know honestly. I'm engaged to a girl back in California who doesn't know I have a kid because I didn't know, but I can't say I don't have feelings for Lana and I want to be here for Nila. I have no clue what I'm going to do." I respectfully say, shaking my head and rubbing my forehead softly.

Harper shakes her head slowly then mumbles. "Coulda been engaged to Lana but ya know..not my business."

I simply stare at her and bite my tongue hard then look back at Lana's mother.


I listen to their conversation, trying to move my hands or open my eyes. I squint my eyes open only to find a bright light in them, so I shut them back tight. After a minute or two, I open them again blinking as my eyes adjust to the light. They can hardly stay open.

I take in a short breath that makes me wince.

"Stop..it." I struggle to get out as I look around the room as much as I can. Harper gasps and hurries out the room. I know within seconds other doctors and nurse will be in here to check up on me.

I look over at my mom who is crying. I give her a weak smile, moving my fingers slowly to tell her to grab my hand. She complies and holds onto my hand softly then tries to speak, but ends up crying more.

Glancing over at Jacob he stands there and stares at me, giving me a light smile, but keeps his distance. Probably because he thinks I'm going to kill him. I smile back and look at my mom.

"There's a handsome idiot, douchebag in my room.." I whisper then swallow hard trying to get anything wet in my throat. She laughs a little, wiping her nose with the tissue in her hand.

I hear Jacob chuckle softly.

"Where's...." I can't quite finish the sentence and I move my other hand slowly, touching my stomach.

Jacob steps a little closer to the bed, taking my hand from my stomach holding onto it. "Nila? She's in the baby facility upstairs. Harper said she's doing fine. Everything's fine."

I look up at the ceiling and nod a little. My throat feels so dry and hoarse. A couple seconds later, 4 nurses and Harper comes into the room and immediately starts checking me out. My mom and Jacob step back to let them do the works on me.

After what seems like an hour of tests and checking up on me. The doctors leave and so does my mom and Harper. She has to go to the airport to pick up my Uncle. Harper had to get back to work, so it's just me and Jacob.

We stare at each other for the longest time. Neither of us want to start the conversation. A small smile comes onto his face and I raise an eyebrow.

"Hospital dresses look good on you, Lana. You should start a new trend." He says smugly while his head nods in approval.

I roll my eyes and let out a tiny giggle. "You're so goofy...man." I take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"Goofy, huh? I don't know what you're talking about." He smiles big showing me his pearly white teeth then pops his knuckles. "Nah, but forreal..I'm glad you're alive."

I nod as much as I can and look back at the ceiling. "Me too. I saw my sister when the crash happened..I think. I died and I saw her. Her tiny voice screamed my name, and I saw her running over to me."

I take a moment to catch my breath, slowly but surely. Jacob gets up and sits on the bed so I can see him. Tears stream down my face without hesitation.

"I haven't seen her in forever..I hugged her so tight and I considered leaving for good just to be with her, but I couldn't because I have a daughter. A very beautiful, smart, sassy..daughter and..." A stop again and catch my breath as Jacob using the back of his index finger to wipe my eyes from my face.

"I can't leave her by herself, all alone without a mom. I love my child and..I'm sorry for not telling you about her sooner. I couldn't find the words to say...I couldn't get it right in my mind. I tried writing it down on paper, I tried making emails...I tried everything but..but.." I hear the heart beat monitor going up and I gasp for air, trying to catch myself from having a panic attack.

Jacob shakes his head, looking at the monitor. "Calm down..breathe Lana. In and out. Don't hyperventilate..just breathe."

I take deep breathes, letting them out slowly as more tears fall down my face.

"How about you let me talk and you listen? I have a lot to say." He says looking back at me, nodding slowly. I nod back, looking up at him.

TBC..It'll start back on this part! MAKE SURE TO LEAVE FEEDBACK PLEASE!

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