Feuled cont.

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Back in L.A

I park my car in the parking spot reserved for me, that reads..

Jacob Perez
31A, 31D, 31K

which is:
Military Police,
Criminal Investigation Special Agent, and
Military Police Working Dog Handler

I step into the building immediately triggering the alarm. Mentally I slap my forehead as a couple of soldiers come around the corner with guns, pointing them at my head and chest, but relax once they notice it's me.

"Man, c'mon Perez, you had me ready to blow your head off." One of the soldiers, Dreck, said lowering his gun. The other one ran to turn the alarm and turned it off.

I walk over to him, giving him a hard pat on the shoulder, "I'm sorry."

He daps me up before leading me down the hall, "So how is your babygirl?" He smiles while looking at me. "I've seen a lot of pictures of her and her mom."

I return the look as I shove my hands deep into my pocket, "She's good and cute. They're both crazy as hell, but I love them. They look just a little too."

He nods, opening the sliding doors for me.

"How's Bailey and Bauli?" I ask once we're in the sergeants main area, taking my hands out my pocket now folding them across my chest.

Bailey and Bauli are two beautiful German Shepherds that were my dogs until I gave them to the K-9 unit in the military area. They stay at the office, but every once in awhile they come home with one of the soldiers or officers. It's not too much torture for them considering they're brother and sister. They're some serious life savers, they go out with me when I would work in the K-9 unit, drug busts or anything like that. I'm the only one who really can handle both of them at the same time.

Dreck looks me with a different expression."They're good,  I'm sure they'll love to see you. I'll run back and get them for you," He turns around and strolls out the door.

Rubbing my hands together, I walk into my sergeants office, Sg. Marks, after knocking on the door.

His gruff voice answers with a "Come in."

I walk in and close the door, causing his head to shoot up from the paper work on his desk and look at me.

"Ah! Perez, hey man. I'm happy to see you," He gives me a slight smile, gesturing me over to the chair in front of his desk.

A chuckle comes up and out my lips as I take a seat in the chair, smiling at him. "Thank you. It's good to see you too."

His back leans on the chair making it extend back while he twirls the pen in his hand, "Damn, man, people were telling me you left for awhile because you had a baby and something else happened, I didn't believe them until I saw pictures of her and her mommy—both very beautiful girls," He stares at me for an intriguing second.

"Thank you very much. They make me happy."

I return the stare as he opens his mouth, closing it hesitantly. My eyebrow raises in question.

"So—" he starts,"Have you heard from Kaitlyn?"

I think for a split second before shaking my head, "Nope. Last time I talked to her was when I told her that I would come back soon to sort everything out with her. She's not happy with me, or about the situation that is happening and has happened. I don't blame her."

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