Horrible Oversight cont. Reviewed

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After I did all my rounds, and assisted all my patients. I went for lunch in the cafeteria. None of my friends were there, so I jut sat at a table by myself. I don't sit with residents because we're a higher class than them. There are certain rules in the hospital.

Rule 01: If your page goes off, you RUN to wherever you are needed. NEVER EVER walk.
Rule 02: Don't have sex with the nurses.
Rule 03: If your head resident needs you, you will always always always drop everything and go to them.
Rule 04: Don't call any of the doctors unless someone is dying. Other than that they're your responsibility.

I look down at my salad, and put some dressing on it. The food here is good on some days but on there's its terrible. I grab my fork moving the dressing around so it scatters onto other parts of my salad. It's kinda noisy in here but it's alright.

I start eating some of it when a dark shadow appears on the table. Keeping my head down, I know who it is. A low grunt comes from the shadow.. A grunt I know all too well. HE sits down, putting his folded hands on the table. I look up and look anywhere else but at him.

"Are you going to ignore me?" He asks. I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head. I glance at him and sigh softly. "No, I'm not.. What's up?" I look back down at my salad sticking my fork into pieces of it.

"You never told me you worked here." He says softly slouching in the seats Even though I'm not looking under the table, I can tell his long legs are on the sides of mine.

I look at him raising an eyebrow. "Well, we had a one night stand, there was no talking. You never told me you worked in the military." I lift my fork and put it in my mouth, chewing the salad slowly.

He tenses up and pops his knuckles. "You're right, it was a one night stand. You never asked where I worked?" He glances around then looks back at me.

I put my fork down and lean back a little, grabbing my bottle of water. "Neither did you." I raise an eyebrow opening the bottle drinking some of my water. Explain that tall, sexy, rich, and handsome.

"Got me there." He replys with a shrug.

"Hm.. I have to go." I close the top to my salad and put all my trash on the tray then get up. He gets up as well standing in front of me. I look up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Can I see you later on tonight?" He shoves his hands in his pocket, studying my face.

"To do what? To fuck again? One night stand.. Not two n-" I get cut off by him. "Can I see you later on as in will you go to Flemings Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar with me?" He furrows his eyebrows glaring at me slightly.

If you're mad now, just wait.. I sigh, thinking. Harper comes running into the cafeteria, looking at me then at him then back at me. "Dr. Taylor, you're needed in the pit. We have a school bus that flipped off the road." She runs out the cafeteria. Jacob looks at her then at me. I start to say something, but the intercom comes onto the whole hospital..

All Doctors needed down in the pit, ASAP. I repeat all Doctors needed down in the pit, ASAP.

I shake my head at Jacob. "I have to go, I'm sorry. Catch me later when I'm not so busy." I say watching all the doctors run out the cafeteria. He nods and takes my tray from me.

"Go ahead." I give him a relief type of smile then grab my pager and run out the cafeteria, down the hall.

God, today is so hectic..

All the doctors run down to the pit. Once I get down there, I see all these kids crying and on gurneys. Harper's helping some, Kam is helping some. I look at one kid coming into the hospital and immediately run over to her.

The paramedics explain to me what is wrong with her as we take her into one of the pit rooms. "Her heart stopped 3 times on the way here. She has a laceration to her chest. The bleeding won't stop. Her lung has collapsed." One of the paramedics say as some of the nurses rush to hook her to machines and get her more blood. I notice the paramedic has her hand over her chest. "Let me see."  I say, moving his hand.

Immediately, blood squirts out the cut running off the table going onto the floor. Some of it gets on my coat, and scrubs. I quickly cover it back up. "She's losing a lot of blood!" I say, grabbing some gauze covering it on the cut. Harper rushes in and starts helping me.

"It's too much Harper." I take a deep breath. She comes over next to me and starts putting gauze on the cut too. A second later, her heart stops, and she flatlines. "She's crashing!" Harper yells at the nurses. The nurses quickly grab the crash cart and wheel it over to us.

They grab the paddles and charge them up, handing them to me. The blood on my gloves covers the handles of the paddles. "Charge 200!" I say placing them on her chest. "Clear!" Everyone's hands move off her body. The paddles shock her, making her chest jump up. We all look towards the monitor and see that her heartbeat hasn't come back yet. I shake my head. "Charge 300!" Instantly, rubbing the paddles together then putting them back on her chest. "Clear!"

Everyone moves and I shock her again. Still nothing.. "Damnit damnit." I whisper to myself handing the paddles to the nurses. Everyone stops moving and stands there.. I know there's nothing else we can do for her, but she can't die. She's just a little girl. She has big dreams and a full life ahead of her. I start doing compressions on her chest.

"C'mon.. C'mon! Do not do this." I yell, staring at the monitor. Out the corner of my eye, I see the nurses shake their heads. Harper slowly pulls me away from her. I try to fight her off but stop once I notice tears streaming down my face.

I turn away from everyone and wipe my eyes, taking a deep breath. Harper reaches over and turns the monitor off. Once, I've composed myself somewhat.. I turn back around, taking my gloves off then look at the clock. Everyone's staring at me.

"Time of death... 15:24." In regular time.. 3:24 pm. I walk over to the door, throwing my gloves into the contaminated container then walk out the room.

How could she just die in my arms? I know I'm a Doctor, and Doctors have to deal with it but a 9 year old.

I head over to the elevator, pressing the button. I feel sick. All her blood is on me.. My subconscious is saying, I could have saved her. This is the worst part about being a Doctor.

The elevator doors open. Jacob is standing there with wide eyes. He's the last person I need to see right now. I slowly walk into the elevator and push the floor 3 then lean against the railing. He slowly looks at me. I keep my head forward, holding back my tears.

He sighs then pushes 'Emergency Stop' button and looks at me. I glance at him, shaking my head sniffling a little. "Not now.." I whisper, letting my tears fall. "Alright.." He speaks softly then pushes the button again so the elevator works again. The smell of her blood is on me.. I can't wait to get out these scrubs and jacket.

The elevator opens and I hurry out, walking to the bathroom. I go in and lock the door. My stomach turns and I rush over to the trash can, throwing up about 2 times. I wipe my mouth off, shaking my head.

My coat comes off along with my scrubs and shoes. Tears stream down my face as I put them into the dirty bin in the corner of the restroom. I walk over to the mirror and see blood on my neck, chest, arms and face.. It makes me shiver and tremble.

Quickly, I grab a baby wet wipe from the container and wipe her blood off. I feel so gross and disgusted.

Several minutes after scrubbing hard on my arms and neck and chest, I grab a new set of scrubs and coat throwing them on then put my name tag on my coat.

Everything's okay. Relax.

There's new pairs of shoes where the scrubs are. I grab a pair and slide them on, looking back into the mirror. My eyes are puffy and red.. It's alright. I'll just work in the other parts of the hospital table. I have a lot of paperwork to do anyway.

If someone needs me, they'll page me.

I nod to myself and grab my pager from the counter, sticking it in my coat pocket. Let's just get this day over with..

What do you think will happen next?
Why's she so emotional?
Will she say yes to the date with Jacob?

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