Final Waves cont.

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"Did you guys make it okay?" A voice echoes through the phone. A hint of concern and anxiousness is present.

I roll my eyes at the strung up man at the end of the line, Jacob.

"Yes yes. We made it fine. Now all we're doing is waiting on the rest of our furniture and what not, but we have our essentials with us that we packed in the car. So we'll survive." I say, looking over at Harper who was waving at me through the back patio glass door.

I returned the wave confusingly as Jacob continued talking my ear off about how he missed me. She shook her head, and put her hand up to her ear. I nodded in understanding as she was telling me to tell Jacob she said, "Hi."

My attention was caught back onto Jacob, and he was on another topic. How'd he jump from me being safe to his work? I have no clue.

"He's just.. Ugh. I have so much work, and training to do. It's stressing me out, you know? I wish you were here so we could have some fun." He responds with an hint of seduction in his tone. My insides turn, but not from him.. From the little baby inside me.

I shake my head, and quickly change the subject.

"Harper says hi." I give a soft sigh, putting my hand on my bump and rub it softly.

"Tell her I said wassup." He chuckles, and starts talking to his coworkers. I turn to Harper and give her a nod to let her know I told him. She smiled and gave me two thumbs up.

Before I can say anything, he says, "Aye, ba- Lana." My eyes widen at the sudden name he was getting ready to call me. He clears his throat as he continues to sentence, trying to play it off.

"I got to go. We have another training. If you get a chance call me later." Sudden rush in his voice becomes apparent.

I quickly nod and reply, "Sure thing. Talk to you later."

He hangs up the phone without another word and I let out a loud groan, putting the phone down then placing my hands on my bump. My head hangs back against the couch.

"When are you going to tell him, Lana?" Harpers voice comes through my ears making me lift my head and look at her. Her arms crossed with her shoulder against the wall.

I shake my head, laying my head back again.

"I have no clue." There's a long, silent pause between us.

Harper has been wanting me to tell him since she found out I was pregnant with his baby. She thinks it's unfair to him to not know that he has a baby on the way. She suggests ideas on how to tell him, but I'm not sure if I want to. We get into arguments about it sometimes, but it's not her baby so she does not have a say in it. It is unfair, but I don't want him to hate me and I certainly do not want to trap him with a baby. Plus, we live far away.. He lives in Los Angeles, and we live in Atlanta.

"Well, do you want to come with me to the hospital? We're getting a tour so we can go in tomorrow and start the day." She strides over to her keys, snatching them off the counter and slides on some sandals.

I stared at her for a second as I look at her outfit from head to toe. She has on a white blouse that shows off her shoulders. Her hair in a tight, big bun and some nice denim pants that make her ass look big. Wait are those mine? I scrunch my face up.

"Harper, do you have on my maternity pants?"

She turns to me with an "Oh shit" expression before covering it with a smile. "Yes, yes they are. They make my ass look good, right?"

I roll my eyes and push myself up off the count, grabbing my phone and hers as I smile a little.

"Yeah, I guess." I give her a playful chuckle then slide on my sandals. My outfit consists of some light faded denim maternity jeans, a old college tee-shirt with a cardigan since it's a little chilly outside.

"Hater." She mumbles, making me gasp as she heads out the door with me following behind me.

We look around as one of the doctors take us to the residents break room. We would be staying in the surgeon residency break room since we are both surgeons. Our guidance person was an older man, maybe in his 40's. His name is Ross. He opened the door for us, guiding us inside.

"This will be your residency room."

We walk in and Harper starts talking to Ross. I look over and see a caramel toned back. My eyes looked on the human. Who is that? He turns around and his  blue-green eyes meet mine. My heart starts beating as I quickly turn around paying attention to Ross and Harper.

Ross is talking about back in the day when they didn't have all the electronics we have now.

Harper looks somewhat intrigued, but I know it's an act. She drops a few Mhm's and Yeah's. Before I know it the caramel man is standing next to me with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Are you boring our new surgeons?" His smooth voice said letting out a soft chuckle.

Ross looks over at him with a smile. "Ah, just a little, huh?"

He turns back to Harper and I as he plants his hand on his shoulder. "This is Dr. Cooper. One of the finest surgeons in our hospital."

Dr. Cooper shakes his head, giving off a soft smile. I smile back a little. Cooper? That last name sounds familiar. Just then Harper gasps, pointing to Dr. Cooper.

"Dr. Cooper?! As THE DR. COOPER?!"

His eyes widen as she looks at me then back at him, letting out a squeal. I shake my head and glance at her then look at him. He looks somewhat amused, but not really.

"Yeah, that's me. It'll great working with y'all soon. You start tomorrow, right?" He says showing his pretty smile.

We both nod except Harper is still bouncy on her toes a little.

"Alright, good. Nice to meet you Dr...?" He drags his sentence on raising both of his eyebrows as if waiting for us to finish.

Before I can open my mouth, Harper tells him out names.

"Dr. Lana Xina Taylor and Dr. Harper Marie Moore." She giggles a little, sticking her hand out as she stares up at him.

He smiles in a awkward way and puts his hand in Harpers, shaking it slightly.

"Nice to meet you." He extends his arm out and takes my hand, shaking it softly before our eyes meet again. We share a smile and let go. 

"Alright! Well, I'm going to leave. See you guys tomorrow." Dr. Ross says backing out the door and walks the opposite way.

"Ditto. We'll talk more tomorrow. If you need anything let me know." Dr. Cooper states before heading out the room leaving me and Harper to ourselves.

I look at her as her eyes follow behind Dr. Cooper.

"Oh snap out of it." I roll my eyes and walk out the room heading towards the entrance.

"He's just so hot." Her jaw drops as she follows behind me. I just shake my head and keep walking. Tomorrow will definitely be a long first day...

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