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After at least two days of wondering around in circles, Killian finally found sight of a quaint villiage a few yards infront of him. To his relief it wasn't a hallucination and he guided his tired horse towards it.

To his luck, what he was wearing didn't look very Royal like at all. His shoes were ruined and his clothes were covered in mud and soaking wet.

A kind villager guided him to the nearest inn as he washed up and changed into clothes he had packed for his journey. When the inn keeper saw his transformation she immediately recognised him as the prince of the Southern kingdom. She was in awe that there was royalty in her inn and was sharp to ask him why he had came to the eastern kingdom.



"The Eastern Kingdom? But that's not possible? I was on the Northern path a few days ago."

"I'm afraid you are your majesty. That storm must have mislead you."

"Aye it did indeed. Do you know the way to the Northern Kingdom from here?"

"I'm sorry my love I don't. But I know someone who does."


"Her name is Emma Swan, she lives nearby. I will take you to her, but first please I insist you have a proper meal before your journey."

I nod and smiled at her as she guided me to a cosy nook were I could eat my meal. She came back a few short minutes later with food and a drink too. I thanked her again and she left me to eat in peace.

As soon as I had finished I packed up all my things again and went to tend to Jules who had just woken from a nap. I fed and watered him and then went back inside.

"Okay, I'm ready to meet this Emma Swan." I say as I stood behind the nice woman. "Oh good good. And how rude of me, my name is Joan." She smiles and holds out her hand for me to shake it. "Nice to meet you Joan, I assume you already know who I am" we both laughed. "Of course Prince Killian Jones of the Southern Kingdom." "Please, call me Killian. The whole title thing is kinda weird." She smiled at me then put in her cloak before locking up the inn to take me to this Emma Swan she spoke of.

She walked me through the village and to a row of little houses with gardens. She opened the gate of one of them and knocked the door several times.


That morning Emma got up early so she could go to get the keys for her dream tavern. She washed and dressed herself up as nicely as she could and wore her Aqua cloak that her father had bought ahead of her 16th birthday before he had died 11 years ago. It was a special day to her and she wanted to look as nice as possible.

She tended to her little brother Kevin, who wasn't actually her biological brother. Ingrid found him alone deep in the woods a few months ago. She soothed him with a bottle then changed his nappy. Her mother woke up shortly after and ate the breakfast Emma had made her.

Just as Emma was ready to go...she heard a few gentle knocks on the door.



"Hey Joan...what's up?"

"Emma! It's so good to see you. I need...well he needs your help. You know the way to the Northern Kingdom from here don't you?"

"Umm yeah of course, is everything okay?"

"Yes yes of course dear. I would like to introduce you to Killian. Prince Killian Jones of the Southern Kingdom."

My heart dropped into my stomach and I got butterflies at the sound of royalty being introduced to a girl like me. He held out his hand and I did the same and shook it gently.

"Killian, this is Emma Swan. She will help you to get to the Northern Kingdon. Of course, if that's alright with you."

"Yeah yeah that's fine."

"Well Killian, your in good hands here."

I waved goodbye to Joan as she left the garden and headed back to her inn.

"So...Emma Swan."

"Emma is quite fine your majesty."

"Killian would do."

"Right, well Killian. I need to go get some stuff so you can sit on the bench here if you want.

He smirked as I tilted over the door and ran into tell my mother where I was going. I didn't tell her it was with a prince of course beause she would flip out and rumours would spread all over the village. I kissed her goodbye and walked back outside.

As Killian and I began our journey with his horse following behind us, I began to wonder why on earth I was taking a royal to a place where he could have hundreds of servants bring him to.

"Sooooo Killian. Why did you need my help?" I asked breaking the silence between us both. He chuckled before replying to me nervously, "well I was on my way to the Northern Kingdom to meet my..." He began before I rudely interrupted him. "Wait...Did you get lost?" I quickly asked. He stares at me and shrugged his shoulders. I started to laugh uncontrollably at the simple fact that a prince got lost down a simple two day journey to the Nothern Kingdom.

"That has got to be the funniest thing I've ever heard, and I hear quite a lot of funny things." I tell him while still laughing. He too was laughing as we continued our journey.

The strangest thing was that I had no idea what this prince was doing here and why he was seeking the help of a commoner. He had carriages and maids and servants, but he managed to get stuck with me.

We set up camp a few hours later and I went looking for firewood. When I arrived back, The Prince was taking off his horse's saddle and brushing him down. I smiled as I set the firewood down and started the fire. I sat down on a fallen tree trunk and Killian joined me.

"So why are you going to the Northern Kingdom? I never gave you the chance to finish?" I asked him breaking the silence between us. "I... You know what it doesn't really matter. Nothing that interesting anyway." He explained to me. "Really? Your a prince I highly doubt your life isn't 'interesting'. Come on, your going to be travelling with me for the next few days." I pushed his shoulder. He laughed and stared back at the flames from the fire. "It's complicated." He smiled. "Complicated life I get that." I giggled. He sighed at turned to look at me. The flames reflected off his sapphire blue eyes and his teeth sparkled when he smiled.

"I think we should both get some shut eye, we have more walking to do tomorrow." I stood up and walked towards my small handmade tent as Killian did the same. "Yeah of course. Goodnight Emma." He smiled at me...again and I returned the smile. "Goodnight your majesty."


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