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Killian and Emma crept into the shack and looked around to find it was empty. To their relief the only person in the shack was its owner, Mama Patsy. Emma wasn't too sure about this place as she had only been here once and Mama Patsy wasn't the one working. She hoped and prayed that she didn't recognise Killian, because he had sort of grown on her. Infact he had grown on her a lot. She even had thought about having feelings for him, but she knew she was going way out of line. He was a Prince getting married to a Princess and he deserved the best in the land.

Emma and Killian tip-toed around the shack hoping not to stick out in any way. They both held hands to stay together until suddenly a floorboard creaked under Emma's foot....

~ Emma ~

The very second my foot made the floorboard creak was the exact second Mama Patsy looked up from what ever she was doing and searched around the shop. I scrunched my eyes and hoped and prayed that she wouldn't see us. Everything she got close to us we would just turn a corner. She then exited the shack and me and Killian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bloody hell that was a close one Swan."

"Too right, come on it's not safe in here."

Just as we stood up straight and turned around, right before us stood a small, plump woman who looked rather old. Me and Killian froze as she stood with her hands on her waist.

"Now where do you think you two are going!"

We both look at eachother with horror in our eyes. Killian held his breath and said his prayers in hope that she didn't recognise us.

"I cannot let y'all leave! I haven't had a proper customer in here for ages! Now come along. What is it you desire?" She says in her wacky high tone. Me and Killian were both still staring at eachother in hopes she didn't say anything about Killian's identity. So far she hadn't suspected anything. We followed her to the counter where she stood and smiled at us for ten seconds flat. Me and Killian just tried not to look suspicious.

"Now, what can I get you on this fine morning?"

"Supplies, for our trip too...... Umm. The in laws."

I shot my head at Killian after he said that with confusion in my expression. I lip spoke to him asking him why he had said in laws and he just synced back for me to play along.

"Yes, umm we are going to my parents and we need some supplies as it's going to be a long journey."

"You two are married."

"Two months and three days exactly... But pfff who's counting right?"

"You know, ha. I thought a prince and a commoner could come up with a better excuse than that."

That's it, we had been caught. Killian's identity was revealed and our fate was in this woman's hand. Killian sighed as I rubbed my temple in frustration that we had blown our stupid cover.

"But don't worry Your Majesty. I won't turn you in."

"Wait... How do you know who we are?"

"I know things. Plus I have been waiting for you both to arrive all day! Come in through the back, I have something to show you both."

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now