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~ Emma ~
Months later

"It's Regina, she has returned and it set on stealing your child."

Me, Killian, my parents and Killian's parents all sat in our castle around a circular table in the knights quarters. Blue, a fairy who had a history with my family had came to tell us the news of Regina stepping foot back into our kingdom. Killian had a tight grip on my hand as he began to become even more over protective than ever before. Knights were guarding every single room in the castle, out front and in every single village already so now Regina was back in the kingdom things would probably get worse.

"What can we do."

"You won't be doing anything Emma. Your due to have a baby in a week and you need to rest."

"But I'm the best help!"

"And your best staying home! Let's us handle it."

I slumped back into my seat and didn't talk for the rest of the evening. I should be able to protect myself, I'm not a prim little princess like I was when I was younger. I could handle a little danger for goodness sake.

"We shall put more guards on post, make sure they do their days and nights."

"Put a protection spell around the castle."

The rest of the discussion was like a blur to me. I felt excluded and unopinionated. It was my baby they were trying to protect and I had no say.

"Okay, well me and Emma are going to head to bed. She needs as much rest as possible."

I sighed as once again people were making decisions for me.

"Honestly Killian I am fine."

"No, we're going to bed. I can't tell your tired and upset."

"No! I'm fine!"

My parents and his stare at me, surprised by my sudden uproar.

"Emma? Don't speak to your husband like that. It isn't very Princess like."

My mother was disgusted by my behaviour, but I was disgusted by how they were behaving me.

"Yeah it's not, but I can't have people running after me all the time. Im a grown, adult woman and I can take care of myself. And I'm telling you all I am not tired!"

And with that I stormed out of the room and upstairs onto a balcony as fast as I could without tripping over my own two feet.


I had been on the balcony for about an hour now and i felt a little better after watching the sun set. No one had come up to calm me because they knew it wasn't the best idea because I was almost nine moths pregnant and stressing me out with my hormones all over the place was not going to end well.

"You know, I admire the patience you have to watch that annoying sun set every night. I'd rather just watch the night."

I almost jump out of my skin and turn around to find Regina sitting on the edge of my bed. I instantly panicked but I froze on the spot.

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now