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~ Emma ~
Three months later

"Emma, Emmaaaa."

I felt my shoulder being gently tapped and I fluttered my eyes open. Killian was by my side, wide awake and smiling at me like I was supposed to know what he was doing.

"What time is it?"

"Early, and you have to get up sleepyhead. We have a busy day."

"Busy day? What are we doing today?"

"We are doing the nursery silly."

"But I'm only four months pregnant! Let me sleep."

"No, I'm just giving you a little glance into what it's going to be like when you have a baby. They will annoy you every single morning with their little screams."

"So almost as annoying as you then?"


"I'm joking your perfect. But please let me sleep a little longer, or even stay in bed. I'm making a new human and I'd like to think that means I'm entitled to more sleep time."

"Alright you win. I'll be downstairs my love, if you need me just call."

"I know. Now go! A princess needs her sleep."

Eventually Killian left the bedroom and I could finally get some peace and more sleep. But after hearing a commotion downstairs, I tip-toed out of bed and down a few flights of stairs and stopped before I reached the bottom so I could faintly hear the conversation.

"Well, what are we supposed to do? We can't keep her locked in here forever?"

"Well what else ----- I'm worried about her."

"Well with ------ look what happened last time?"

"But she's older, more responsible! You're her parents! ------ I'll do it!"

"No! She needs you -------- imagine your child growing up fatherless?"

As I stepped down another step it creaked and they stopped their conversation. I was so desperate to find out all the faded parts of the conversation I couldn't hear. As I heard someone walked towards the staircase, I pretended I had just woken up and not heard a single word of what they were talking about.


"Hey! What's up."

"I thought you were staying in bed love?"

"Uh, I got hungry. The baby is very demanding these days."

"I bet. Well let's have breakfast and then maybe we could go back up to bed and get a nap?

"Can we not visit your parents?"

"No! I mean- my mother and father aren't in the kingdom."

"Why ever for?"

"They had a diplomatic mission to take care of. Don't worry love, we shall see them when they come back."

Unwritten| Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now